Halloween is a time to kick back and cut loose, especially in colleges and universities across America. It is the one day (…or entire weekend) to get dressed up as whatever you want and have fun. That being said, a little originality is all we ask for to keep this holiday thrilling. Here are the top ten costumes that it are safe to say, should never be see on a college campus again.
1. Minions
Unless you are five years old or under, it is no longer cute.
2. Mario and Luigi
We get it. You are besties but we have seen it a million times.
3. Cat/Bunny
This is how you look.
4. Risky Business
I feel as though it’s safe to assume that 9/10 people who have dressed up as Tom Cruise from Risky Business in the past few years have never seen the movie….so please.
5. Mean Girls
It is hard to hate on Mean Girls because let’s face it, it is a classic. However dressing up as this quartet is just not doing it for anyone.
6. Boxed Wine
Nothing screams future alcoholic like dressing as every college student’s favorite box wine for Halloween. (Insert pun about slapping the bag).
7. Where’s Waldo?
Waldo has already been found.
8. Lumberjack
We couldn’t forget about the men! But seriously guys, step up your game because wearing a flannel is not a sufficient costume.
9. Three Blind Mice
Can you not see how awful this is?
10. Nerd
If someone could wear this on the street then it is not enough for Halloween and you’re just lazy.
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