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journal entry of affirmations
journal entry of affirmations
Original photo by Meghan Buschini

30 Affirmations for Self Esteem to Build your Confidence

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bentley chapter.

So much about what we say about ourselves is negative. Affirmations give us the opportunity to choose words that help create or eliminate something in our lives, such as creating success or confidence or healthy relationships, and eliminating low self-esteem, destructive behaviors, and even pain.

Affirmations help us retrain our thinking and speaking into positive patterns so we can truly transform our lives. We can get more of what we want and less of what we don’t.

But be careful because everything we say is an affirmation. Every thought, every sentence is just confirming what we want in life.

So, if you say “I’m so happy and grateful now that I want to go to the gym every day,” one minute, then say “this won’t work” the next minute, which one do you think will win out? The second one.

Negative thought patterns are so deeply ingrained in all of us, and it’s really hard to break them. Practicing positive affirmations is one way to break that cycle.

Having a negative mindset will hurt your self-esteem, which is why I write myself five affirmations per day that build on my confidence that turn them into habits. The more you read them, write them or say them to yourself, the more you will start to believe in them, and then in yourself.

30 Daily Affirmations That Will Build Your Confidence

  1. I am aware of my worth and share it freely.
  2. I am compassionate with others and myself.
  3. I am a positive being, aware of my potential.
  4. There are no blocks I cannot overcome.
  5. I love to meet other people and make new friends.
  6. I am my best source of motivation.
  7. Challenges are opportunities to grow and improve.
  8. I attract positive people into my life.
  9. I make a difference by showing up every day and doing my best.
  10. I expect the best for myself.
  11. I am worthy of having what I want.
  12. I am grateful for my journey and its lessons.
  13. I deserve anything I desire.
  14. Anything is possible.
  15. I am creative and open to new solutions.
  16. I push myself one day at a time, with one step at a time.
  17. I choose to seek risks and the unknown rather than seek comfort in what I know.
  18. I will work for what I want, and what I want is on its way.
  19. I appreciate myself and others by giving praise naturally and effortlessly.
  20. I allow everything to be as it is. If its meant to be, it will be.
  21. I am open to self-reflection.
  22. The more I let go of the little things, the better I feel.
  23. I trust my decisions.
  24. I release anything that does not radiate positivity.
  25. I believe in my abilities and express my true self with ease.
  26. All I need is within me.
  27. I feel comfortable speaking my mind.
  28. I have the courage to make changes when I am not at ease.
  29. I fearlessly follow my dreams.
  30. Everything happens for a reason. Eventually things will work out for the better and fall into place as needed.
Hello! My name is Marissa, and I am a senior at Bentley, pursuing a degree in Marketing and a minor in Information Design and Corporate Communication. I am also on the swim team, swimming sprint free. I love writing personal experience articles and reviews on stores and products.