Everyone knows that college is a time to socialize and make lifelong friends. You are constantly meeting new people from walking down your dorm hallway, to the coffee shop, to your classes. There are always people around! But, there are times when we need to say “no” to socializing.
College life is very different than high school life. In high school, when I had free time, I would call or text one of my friends to see if they were busy and if we could meet up for a movie or dinner. If they were busy, then we would just take a rain check. Now, everyone I know lives nearby, and most people don’t make plans far in advance. There are so many people ready and willing to go venture off campus or go to LaCava for a coffee run.
If it’s a Thursday night and someone invites you to a late night dinner, it’s hard to say no to someone with whom you’ve become friends. But, even though college is a time to socialize, it’s also a time to study. Friends are important, but so are your grades – that’s why it’s important to know how to balance the two.
Personally, I know I’m still adjusting to college life.
One way I’m trying to manage my time is by having a set time to meet up with people. For example, every Thursday night is Chicken Nugget Night at Seasons. Because I’m a vegetarian, this is not my favorite event at Seasons. However, one of my friends and I have a standing appointment to meet up every Thursday at 5:00 p.m. in LaCava for dinner. All day Thursday, I keep busy with class and meetings with professors during their office hours, plus polishing off work due for Friday. But, in the back of my mind, I know that I’m going to meet up with a nice friend, enjoy a good meal, and have some fun.
Granted, throughout the day, I see people I know and talk with in my classes, have a few good conversations, and say, “Hi” to quite a few different people. It’s perfectly fine to have some random fifteen-minute conversation, as long as you’re not late for class!
My advice is to know when to say yes and when to say no to going out. If you’re hesitant, then there’s probably a chance you should turn down the offer. On weeknights, know your priorities and plan accordingly. If you want, have a study party, meet up to review homework or the previous class, tutor your friends, have your friends tutor you; or, take time out from work for a brief coffee break.
There are plenty of ways to socialize without letting your work slip. Remember to do your work, study, and have fun. Make those lifelong friends, who will hopefully understand when you have to study and will maybe offer to help quiz you instead. Â
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bentley chapter.