Name: Brittany Topham
Hometown: North Andover, MA
Graduation Year: 2012
Major/Minor/LSM: Marketing Major, Management Minor, LSM in Media Arts & Society
Campus Involvements: 85 Broads
Interests: Friends, Puppies, Family, Food, Dressing up,
Inside Details
Describe yourself in 3 words: Playful, Relaxed, Organized
Any secret talents?I can eat (and have eaten) a jar of chunky peanut butter in a day
What would be your dream job?AdvertisingÂ
Favorite place in the world:Captiva
Favorite Bentley memory or experience:Having great “spotting windows” to watch Saturday and Sunday morning returners
Favorite song:“For What It’s Worth – Buffalo Springfield
Love, Love, Love
What would you like to do on your ideal date?Something casual and laid back, like grabbing a quick bite to eat and then watching a movie
What do you look for in a boyfriend?The ability to make me laugh and feel comfortable enough to be myself
Relationship Status:Happily taken
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bentley chapter.