Name: Buddy Gormley
Hometown: Wilmington, MA
Graduation Year: 2013
Major: Economics & Finance
Campus Involvements: Orientation Leader, Executive VP of the Student Government Association, Honors Program
Inside Details
Describe yourself in 3 words: Fun, Addicted-To-Dunkin-Donuts, Outgoing
Any secret talents?: I can juggle!
What would be your dream job?: Getting into the music industry and being a pianist at a recording studio. Or just being Beyonce’s pianist when she goes on tour.
Favorite place in the world: Wells Beach, Maine
Favorite Bentley memory: Being an Orientation Leader in 2010 and 2011. It was awesome to meet so many new people and have fun for 3 weeks
Favorite song: I don’t have one – I like pretty much all music!
Love, Love, Love
What does your ideal date look like?: Hanging out at the beach for the day, then dinner at a nice restaurant on the water.
First thing that attracts you to a girl: Girls who are pretty and who make me laugh.
Any deal breakers?: Rudeness