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Campus Celebrity: Bobby Gold

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bentley chapter.


This week’s Campus Celebrity is Bentley alumni, Bobby Gold. Read my interview with him below to learn more about his love for giving back, motocross and his life working with a startup! 


HerCampus Bentley (HCB): You graduated from Bentley in 2006, right?

Bobby Gold (BG): Whoa, did you just say 2006?!  That’s a long time ago!  It definitely couldn’t have been….ughhh.……….yup, 2006.

HCB: Were you involved with any clubs or organizations while you were at Bentley? 

BG: While I was at Bentley, I was involved with the CAB Concert Committee, the Ski & Snowboard Club, Residence Hall Association, and of course the Habitat for Humanity Alternative Spring Break Program.  To be honest, looking back, I wish I was more active with the programs that Bentley had to offer. 

HCB: How did you get involved in the Habitat for Humanity Alternative Spring Break trip? 

BG: I had a few friends who went on the trip a year earlier and they had nothing but great things to say.  Even with them saying such positive things, I truly didn’t seek it out.  Instead, it wasn’t until I passed a flier in one of the hallways.  I stopped, read through it, and decided to submit an application later that day.  At the time, I was in a bit of a rut and this trip seemed like a great way to just get away and volunteer for a week.  Not only did I make truly meaningful friendships, but this week was also a defining moment in the direction of my life.  It still amazes me.

HCB: How many times have you gone on the trip? What makes you want to return year after year?

BG: I believe this was the 7th year!  In 2005, when I first applied, I actually wasn’t accepted.  I was an alternate student and one person happened to drop out.  Whoever you may be, THANK YOU!  Immediately following the first trip, I mentioned that I would like to be a student leader the following year.  Luckily, it worked out and the rest is history.  The main goal has always been service, but somehow I seem to get so much personal growth every year.  On that personal level, as a student, it was always a matter of truly being real and opening up with fellow students.  Post-College, the trip has become a way of connecting with current students and hopefully bringing some new perspectives as a person at different point in their life journey. 

HCB:  What is your favorite memory from your time on the trips?

BG: Without a doubt, the best moments are seeing the families (which we are building homes for) walk through their future homes.  The younger children run around imagining each room and love to talk about how they want to decorate their bedroom.  They’re so creative and free at that age.  It’s a beautiful moment that transcends a mountain of other amazing moments from these trips.

HCB: What is your position with Honest Discounts?

BG: I am the Vice President of Honest Discounts.  In a young startup, a title will have little influence on your actual daily tasks.  One day you may be in sales, the next marketing, and hell, your weekend may be in Finance!  It’s exciting to see a company grow from the ground floor, but it’s definitely not the best choice if you’re just looking to collect a paycheck.   

HCB: How did you become involved with the company?

BG: I was actually working with another Boston startup called, SCVNGR.  A colleague at the time introduced me to Chris Jacobs, our CEO.  We’ve been working together for 18 months now.

HCB: What makes you excited to go to work every day?

BG: Although our company is based out of Boston, I am located in Los Angeles.  The fact that I am on the road or in my home office, keeps things fresh.  In fact, this February we had a great 85 degree day here in Manhattan Beach.  With a wifi card, I was able to setup a little desk on the beach and work for a few hours.  I don’t know if that’s a plug for the startup life or Los Angeles.  Either way I’m not complaining! 

HCB: Aside from working with the Alternative Spring Break trip and Honest Discounts, what are your hobbies?

BG: Outside of work, my number one passion is motocross.  I’ve been on a one year hiatus from racing and can’t wait to get back out there.  On a much safer side, I enjoy getting out into nature, whether it is hiking, surfing, jogging on the beach, etc.  I’ve also done a bit of acting while in Los Angeles and still enjoy taking on some projects if the time is available.  I think everyone should take an acting class at one point in their life.  It’s sort of a physical form of therapy, which lives and breathes in honesty.

HCB: Do you have any advice for current Bentley students?

BG: Whatever you do, be honest with yourself.  We all feel pressures in life; pressure to get a job, pressure to be fit a certain image, pressure to get certain grades.  When it comes down to it, people will have their opinions of how your life should be.  You need to decide how you want your life to go.  Mistakes will happen; move on.  Your heart will be broken; move on.  You will fail; move on.  I’m not saying it will be easy, but every experience is a lesson in life and a new perspective.  Keep learning, keep growing, and keep smiling. 

I am a Bentley University senior majoring in Marketing with a LSM in Media, Arts and Society. I make gluten-free goodies all too frequently and my favorite place in the world is the top of a mountain with my skiis on. I have an addiction to chocolate, Alice in Wonderland and laughing with my roommates. 
Bentley University