When you go off to college, you have a fantasy in your head that everything will fall into place. The jerk from high school who you broke things off with for your fresh start will magically fade away, the classes you take will captivate you and point you to the perfect career path, and you will make incredible friends to last a lifetime. Of course, many girls like myself are hoping to meet a smart, attractive, genuinely good guy who has their priorities straight. The only problem is, even if you meet this guy, he might not be ready to meet you.
One of the hardest things I learned during my first semester of freshman year is that everyone comes to school with a different idea of what they want from their college experience. Some people are here to get laid, some are here for a sport, and some are here for the most obvious reason- to be educated. The problem is, everyone has different priorities. Personally, I’m a pretty good student. I got into Bentley, for starters, and that’s something all of us have in common to be proud of. But having a social life and a love life is also important to me.
I met a great guy at school, as many of us do. Every second we spent together was blissful. We just connected. Sound familiar? This is every girl’s dream when coming to an unfamiliar place and starting a new chapter in life. But eventually, as we all see time and time again, the fun came to a sudden end.
He got scared. Whenever he closed my door and walked back to his dorm, the tables turned. He was overanalyzing and questioning himself, wondering if it was a good idea to get involved with a girl when the real reason he’s at this school is to pay $60,000 for a brilliant education. He didn’t want to lose sight of his future by being caught up in the present. And the present involved me.
It makes sense, doesn’t it? You can say that all good things come to an end- they run their course and then you move on. It’s logical to reason that nothing lasts forever, and that there is a time and place for everything. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to focus on school, or sports, or whatever it may be. Everyone has a different plan for their college career. But I challenge the people reading this to find a balance in your college experience. Why walk away from something that makes you happy? Instead of questioning each move you make, allow yourself to find peace in each moment, make memories with those you care about, and fill you heart with joy. There’s no reason you shouldn’t have it all.
He was a great guy to meet, he just wasn’t ready to meet me. Well, he didn’t think he was ready. But I would argue that every person is ready to let a little more happiness into their life.
Photo Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/AY-2HX4Y772MM20iqfrhjxTSoOm6JOmd6NKcajCo7sPMb45voXNU-Pc/