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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bentley chapter.

Although it is technically Spring, there does not currently seem to be an end to the snow. Pending the looming winter weather, here are some great activities to take part in—especially if you are stuck in your college dorm.


Make Popcorn and Hot Cocoa, and Watch Movies in Bed

There is never not a good time to watch Netflix, but what’s better than on a snow day? Turn on your favorite shows or movies and make all of your favorite snacks to enjoy.


Play Games with your Floormates

A snow day stuck in your dorm can mean bonding with your floormates! Play games like Cards Against Humanity or your favorite board games. Watch movies or tell each other stories and have a girls day!


Catch up on Work

A productive use of a snow day for some may mean sleeping in and being able to catch up on school work. Use the time to get ahead or study for upcoming tests—it can be a huge stress reliever in the long run.


Play in the Snow

If you are feeling adventurous and want to brave the cold, go sledding on campus! Find a hill and use the top of a storage container as the sled. These are some of the best moments to make lasting memories with your friends!


What are your snow day rituals? Comment below!





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College freshman living in and exploring the vibrant city of Boston! Born and raised in the dirty jerz. 
Native New Yorker Brooke Camarda has had her eclectic share of jobs—from the runways of NYFW to the haunted hallways of NYZ Apocalypse. Commonly known by her alter ego of Wonder Woman, there's no task or adventure that the skydiving-enthusiast isn't willing to take on. She loves typography and cappuccinos almost as much as she loves her (very) big family, and is thrilled to be writing for Bentley University's chapter of Her Campus.