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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bentley chapter.

Often times participation, course engagement, or attendance can make up five, ten, fifteen or even twenty percent of your grade. This is hugely important to either bring up or maintain your grade. If your professor doesn’t even know your name, odds are your participation grade isn’t going to be very high. Even if participation is a small percentage, having a relationship with a professor will make it easier to lean on them for help or get extra credit. Here are some tips to get them to recognize you and your effort!

1. Show up early

If you are there before everyone else, this is opportunity to introduce yourself and get to know the professor a bit better. This way they will have a better idea of who you are.

2. Ask questions

Even if you know the answer, raising your hand will show them you are paying attention and are invested in the class.

3. Show up to office hours

I would suggest going to office hours at least once or twice throughout the semester to ask questions, ask for help, or just to have a chat. This is the best way to form a relationship with professors and show them you are putting in the extra time and effort for their class.

4. Sit near the front or the middle of the class

This isn’t as important, but professors are often looking to the front and middle of the class and might recognize who you are faster by sitting in their eye view.

5. Make eye contact as they talk

This demonstrates you are paying attention to what they are saying (sometimes throw in a nod to show you understand).

Professors do their best to remember everyone’s name, but unfortunately, they often teach multiple sections with multiple students, so anything you do to stand out will be beneficial to you and your participation grade!

Taylor White

Bentley '26

Hi everyone! I am a junior at Bentley University majoring in Finance with a minor in Management. As the Co VP of Her Campus Bentley, I’m proud to lead a community of strong, creative women, providing a space for us to support each other in such a male-dominated field. Outside of Her Campus I am a student athlete, an Orientation Leader and a Relationship and Sexual Violence Prevention Educator.