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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bentley chapter.

This year caught everyone off guard. It was unexpected, filled with twists and bumps and turns. 

Nevertheless, one of the hardest parts for me has been the abundance of time spent alone. 

At first it might’ve been somewhat okay – unusual, unexpected, but only temporary. A transition to online classes in the spring promised a small break from what can sometimes be an overwhelming and hectic time of year. 

But now – almost 8 months later when perhaps the only faces we see are the small pixels on our screen, camera off, on mute – there is little room for interaction with anyone.

It’s important to be safe; this is a pandemic, and we are all aware by now of all the precautious to take – so much so that 6 feet and hand sanitizer and masks are embedded in our minds. 

But, I just wish there was a middle ground and some way to acknowledge the safety equally as much as the manner in which our hearts and minds feel more separated than ever. 

Perhaps there is a way to meet in the middle; keep in mind that there are more opportunities to meet people and feel more centered, and there is more to the day than pixels on a screen. Maybe there is a way to finally hear someone say, “I feel like this too!”

Hi! My name is Marcella Zaffari Flammia and I am currently a freshman at Bentley! I grew up in Southern Brazil but have been living in Manchester, MA since 5th grade. I love reading, writing, traveling, and hanging out with friends.
Melissa is President and Campus Correspondent of Her Campus at Bentley University.  She is a senior majoring in Marketing and minoring in Spanish and Psychology.  Melissa studied abroad in Sevilla, Spain!  In her free time, she loves to read, write, play tennis, volunteer, and spend time with family and friends.  You'll usually find her exploring new places and restaurants and then writing articles about them!      Â