Switching from living on Bentley’s upper campus last year to lower campus this year, here are some differences I have noticed about each location:
One-block-break blues:
If you were as unfortunate as I was and managed to schedule yourself with a one block break between two classes on upper campus this year, you know what it feels like to wait around for that hour and twenty minutes. If you live on upper, you can trot down the smith stairs and take a quick nap. But if not, feel free to join me eating lunch at 11:00 am in LaCava. I’ll be the girl with her laptop out pretending to do homework and have an appetite for salad before half of campus is even awake.
Calves of steel:
I know that in hindsight it isn’t a huge deal, but every person on lower must have complained about the walk to class by now. The looming staircase before the Bentley Bridge is a major downside to living on lower. And the odors from the dumpsters on your way up doesn’t help.
Once you’re over the bridge, you’d better catch your breath before you hit the Smith Stairs. Don’t forget to wear layers to class, unless you want to pass out from all of that exercise once you finally collapse into your seat. I’m pretty sure people who live on upper are tired of hearing me ask “Is it crazy hot in here, or is it just me?” Whatever, they’re probably jealous of how toned my calves and glutes have gotten after just one week.
Feeling Hangry:
Upper campus gives you access to Einstein’s, LaCava, Seasons, Dunkin, and even the Falcon Mart. But living on lower completely limits your food options. If you don’t feel like trudging over the bridge and you also don’t like Currito, you’d better have a car parked on lower or a delivery service on speed dial.
Gym motivation:
It’s the perfect excuse to channel your inner Kayla Itsines if you live on lower. Not only are you right next to the gym in the Dana Center for cardio and weights, but you’re also right next to the track, turf, and pool. However, if you’re looking to have fun but also get moving on the sand volleyball court, good luck grabbing it before a Forest or Kresge resident.
For athletes, one of the most exciting parts about living on lower is that you only have to walk for a minute from your practice before you can be back in the comfort of your bed. Granted, you’re probably starving and tired of Currito, so you’ll have to take the stairs to Seasons anyway. This campus really needs two dining halls.
The Feel:
It is clear once you step from upper to lower that everything feels newer, cleaner, and updated. The Fenway/CoNo/CoSo circle is set up beautifully, with recently renovated buildings that have large windows to overlook the “lower loop.” They don’t have full kitchens, but OrNo and OrSo are also on lower and do have full kitchens in each room. On upper, the freshman dorms (Slade, Trees, and Miller) are basically what you would expect. There are other dorms like Rhodes and Boylston that have kitchens, but upper campus dorms generally have a more worn feel to them. While upper does have the awesome newly renovated Student Center, you just can’t beat the combination of the turf, Dana Center, and spacious dorms that make lower campus look so fresh. Not to mention the up and coming Multi-Purpose Arena that we can all look forward to!