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Christin Urso / Spoon
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My “Hot” Takes On Halloween Candy

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bentley chapter.

With spooky season soon upon us, my lovely roommates and I decided that we needed to invest in a halloween candy bowl for the room. Upon evaluation, we realized that we all had pretty different tastes in the sweet treats that we wanted to buy for this bowl. 

Everyone has the same job when it comes to Halloween candy. But as is the case with all group projects in life, not everyone understands the assignment…or puts in the work.

Some people do all the heavy lifting for trick or treaters. Those are the people with the full-sized candy bars, goodybags and a cauldron full of only the good stuff. Then there are others who lock the door and put out a bowl of candy that’s half bargain-brand lollipops.

In proper halloween spirit, and in loving memory of halloween candy trading that I wont be partaking in this year, here is my list of the best of the best halloween candy that I 100% love.

This list is broken down into top 10 chocolate, top 10 sweets, and top 10 overall candy because I love a good sweet treat.

(p.s. unlike the image suggests, m&m’s did not make this list… CLOSE 11TH THOUGH)


10. Mounds – The basic version of an almond joy

9. Milky Way – Nobody ever requests a Milky Way, but it’s pretty good! Just simple

8. Hershey Bars – The American classic is the best melt-in-your-mouth, no-frills candy in the bag.

7. Junior Mints – Very similar to the peppermint patty, but tiny and cute

6. KitKats – Crunchy, Yummy, little chocolatey wafer, it’s great

5. Reeses Cups – They’re really good, but I cannot have more than a few without feeling sick

4. Snickers – Very similar to the twix, but there’s just some extra texture in it. This is my grandma’s favorite candy so I usually just gave it to her

3. York Peppermint Patty – I’d be lying if I said I hated this candy. It’s just so perfect, refreshing and minty

2.  Almond Joys – If almond joys have no fans, I’m dead. I’m a coconut lover through and through

1. Twix – This is one of my favorite candies ever. I can eat it 24/7 without getting sick of it. The crunch, the caramel, omg so amazing


10. Gobstoppers – My jaw might break, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t like them

9. Smarties – It tastes like chalk, but it’s extremely addicting

8. Pixie Sticks – “my mom says those turn you into a-” well you know the rest

7. Laffy Taffy – Green apple and strawberry >

6. Mike and Ike – This is how I accidentally learned to swallow pills!

5. Skittles – I can eat these all the time, a great mix from the very standard chocolate candy

4. Twizzlers – Okay, it’s giving weapon, but at least it’s a tasty weapon

3. Sour Patch – I wish more came in the packet, but they’re so delicious

2. Sweetarts – Apparently there’s only one T in the name of this candy. I learned this just this week.

1. Trolli Sour Critters – Sometimes I just want a sour little treat

top ten

10. Skittles

9. Reeses Cups

8. York Peppermint Patty

7. Twizzlers

6. Sour Patch

5. Snickers

4. Almond Joy

3. Sweetarts

2. Twix

1. Trolli Sour Critters

Alyssa Galin

Bentley '27

hii I'm Alyssa! I'm from New York City and absolutely love to travel and spend time outdoors. I'm currently a sophomore at Bentley University and am planning to major in Corporate Finance and Accounting. I love taking photos of anything and everything. I'm super artsy and also a huge cat person. I love music as well, if you have suggestions let me know on insta! @alyssa.track :)