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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bentley chapter.

Name: Olivia LeClair
Hometown:   Naples FL
Graduation Year: 2014
Major/Minor/LSM:   Information Design and Corporate Communications, LSM: Ethics and Social Responsibility
Campus Involvements:  EVP of Editorial for HC Bentley, VP of Training for Bentley Ambassadors, Writing Tutor, columnist for The Vanguard, member of the Women’s Center
Interests:  Reading, writing, traveling, kayaking, and anything Disney

Inside Details
Describe yourself in 3 words: Friendly, Responsible, and Punctual
Any secret talents?   I can wiggle my ears!
What would be your dream job?  Being a book critic—and getting paid for it!
If you were a sandwich at Yella’s, what would it be called?  The Bookworm Club, with turkey, American cheese, shredded lettuce, tomatoes, and mayo (yum!)
Favorite place in the world: Cape Cod…or Disney World
Favorite movie: The Birdcage
Favorite song:  Swallowed in the Sea, by Coldplay
Love, Love, Love

What would you like to do on your ideal date?  Have a picnic in a park and do something fun, like the Freedom Trail (#nerdstatus)
What do you look for in a boyfriend?   Someone who is kind and funny, and who is as nerdy as me. And who will write for Her Campus!
Relationship Status: Taken
Looking Back
Where did you live freshman year? Birch 406!
What has been your favorite Bentley memory so far? How can I pick one?? Directing traffic at Open House, religiously attending nugget night, “tanning” on the Greenspace…the list goes on.

I am a Bentley University senior majoring in Marketing with a LSM in Media, Arts and Society. I make gluten-free goodies all too frequently and my favorite place in the world is the top of a mountain with my skiis on. I have an addiction to chocolate, Alice in Wonderland and laughing with my roommates. 
Kathryn Burgner is a member of the class of 2013 at Bentley University and is majoring in Information Design & Corporate Communications, with minors in Marketing and Gender Studies. Kathryn is so excited to be a part of the Her Campus team and be the founder of Her Campus Bentley! Kathryn loves going to school near Boston, but she also loves her hometown of Dalton, MA, where she grew up in the Berkshires on a turkey farm. Kathryn loves singing, acting, dancing ballet, baking, & playing volleyball, and is interested in gender issues, fashion, and health & fitness. She is a founding member of the Masters of Bentley Acappella (MBAs) and enjoys being involved with the Women's Center at Bentley, Alpha Psi Omega Honorary Theatre Society, and Resident Assistance at Bentley. Kathryn aspires to work as an editor, social media professional, or marketing design professional in Boston, MA after her experiences at Bentley! Kathryn would like to thank her family and friends for their love and support towards all of her experiences and dreams.