Leading up to Spring Day, we really had no idea where to begin. The only thing that we kept hearing was that this day is “going to be the best day of your life.” Let’s see if Spring Day lived up to our freshman expectations.
Expectation: A lot of people dressed in theme/really cute clothes
Reality: A lot of people definitely had some really cute outfits, but we would say it wasn’t too much in-line with the theme, only because the theme was a little confusing. Most people took a really subtle approach to the theme—but overall, we saw a lot of people whose closets we would love to raid.
Expectation: The concert will be exactly like the Back 2 Bentley
Reality: The concert honestly wasn’t that good. It was kind of disappointing; we felt like you couldn’t really dance to Travis Scott’s music, and we just didn’t know that many of his songs. However, we were glad we went to see Gxxdnight (aka Jack). We thought he was the best part of the show!
Expectation: We know that Spring Day is supposed to be all fun and games—but let’s be real, GB212 is in a WEEK. Shouldn’t we at least be thinking about the exam, just a little?
Reality: Nope, haven’t thought about the exam once. Guess we’ll start sometime soon, hopefully…
Did someone say “free T-shirt”?
Expectation: We’ve seen the previous free t-shirts. We hope that this year’s Spring Day T-shirt will be the cutest one yet.
Reality: We liked the lion logo and appreciated that we could choose between a tank top and a T-shirt—but ultimately we thought that it would have been better if there were different color options instead of just black.
Will I need a nap?
Expectation: We will be really tired and need a power nap before the concert.
Reality: We felt a little tired before the concert, but managed to survive without needing a power nap. That being said, we definitely slept in the next morning.
Fire Alarm
Expectation: The fire alarm will get pulled in Trees. Rumor has it that the alarm might even get pulled in Miller. As freshmen currently living in Miller, we sure hope this isn’t true.
Reality: The fire alarm was pulled in Trees…we even heard that it was pulled twice. And of course, the fire alarm was pulled in Miller at promptly 6:20 am. Since we live in Miller, we are unsure if the rumor about Trees being pulled twice is true. Another rumor we heard was that Slade was pulled—which would mean all freshman dorms had their fire alarms pulled. In any case, the tradition of the fire alarm has lived on for another year.
Overall Thoughts
Exception: Best day of the year.
Reality: Overall, we liked it a lot and look forward to it being even better next year!