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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bentley chapter.

As final seasons is underway, I know we’re all looking forward for them to be over and to really get into the Christmas spirit (or at least I am). If you’re anything like me, a good movie or TV show gets me into the spirit of Christmas more than anything else. With that said, I want to give some of my essential Christmas watches, some of them classics and others that are newer but worth the watch. I also threw in a couple specific Christmas episodes because nothing is better than when your favorite show has a fun Christmas related episode!

  1. The Polar Express (2004)
  2. The Happiest Season (2020)
  3. The Office
    • “A Benihana Christmas” (Season 3)
    • “A Christmas Party” (Season 2)
  4. Elf (I know we’ve all seen it 1000 times but is this list complete without it?)
  5. Klaus (2019)
  6. Die Hard (1988)
  7. Love Actually (2003)
  8. A Bad Moms Christmas (2017)
  9. Hawkeye (2021)
  10. It’s a Wonderful Life (1946)
  11. Doctor Who Christmas Specials
  12. Home Alone (1990)
  13. Glee, “A Very Glee Christmas” (season 2)
  14. Good Luck Charlie, it’s Christmas! (2011) (this one is a definite guilty pleasure)
  15. High School Musical: The Musical: Holiday Special (2020)
  16. Muppets Christmas Carol (1992)

There are so many more that I wish I could list, but we’d be here all day! I hope these give you some joy and gets you in the spirit this holiday season!

Hanatha Konte

Bentley '25

Hello everyone! I'm Hanatha and a Freshman at Bentley University. I am currently undecided but intend to major in Global Management and Media Arts and Society with a language minor. In my free time, I love to read new books, write, watch and review movies and television, and hang with my friends!