Hundreds of Bentley students have submitted applications for Fall 2017 and Spring 2018 study abroad programs all over the world, and today on Wednesday, February 22nd, our fates are revealed. Now we experience tons of different thoughts and emotions. I asked patient applicants about some of the things that were going through their heads while they waited to hear back from Bentley on their placements. Here are some of them…
“How am I ever going to find the money for this?!”
“Can’t wait for my first legal drink in Europe!”
“Can I start planning my weekend trips?”
“I’ve never left the U.S. Get me out of this country.”
“Culture. Fashion. Food.”
“I want to explore!”
“I think about how much more I can potentially change and grow through study abroad.”
“I want to return to my Irish homeland and see the roots of the traditions and values I was brought up on.”
“This could be an opportunity to fully immerse myself into a different culture and experience a different way of life that I may never otherwise have.”
“It’s nerve-wracking, but I am anxious and excited for the possibility of planning for my trip next semester.”