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Wellness Wednesday: Workouts in Less than 30 Minutes

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bentley chapter.

Hey collegiettes, Sarah and Jess here – welcome to our new column, Wellness Wednesdays! Each Wednesday we’ll be bringing you the latest tips, trends, and topics from the health and fitness world.

As juniors at Bentley University, we understand how hard it is to make health a priority during the semester. In the midst of papers, on-campus clubs, internships, and parties, sometimes just getting five hours of sleep is a cause for celebration. Fitting in workouts and eating nutritiously can seem impossible when juggling a full course load AND trying to maintain some shred of a social life.

If you are anything like us, you set the same goals for yourself at the end of every summer— to eat well and workout out at least a few times a week while at school. But, as the stresses of the semester set in, your new pledges seem to drift farther and farther away from reality. Let’s be honest, throwing on your sneakers and trekking across the bridge for an early morning workout is never too appealing after you’ve spent a majority of the previous night slaving over your latest GB project.

However, it’s important to remember that maintaining an active lifestyle doesn’t have to mean spending hours a week sweating it out in the Dana Center. The latest research shows that by performing shorter, higher-intensity workouts, you can actually burn more calories in 30 minutes than you would during an hour-long moderate gym session.

Here are some of our favorite workouts that are sure to get your heart rate pumping in just thirty minutes or less:

Treadmill Hill Climb Workout

These incline workouts from the healthy living blogger Tina Haupert at Carrots ‘N’ Cake will help you tone your lower body in no time! You can burn anywhere from 200 to 300 calories, depending on if you walk or run.


Jumping Jacks Circuit Workout

This workout, from one of our favorite health and fitness blogs Peanut Butter Fingers, is perfect for those days when you don’t feel like making the hike down to lower campus! You can easily do this circuit in the comfort of your dorm room or out on the
Greenspace while the weather is still nice.


20 Minute Elliptical Workout

Breakout of your workout rut with this fast-paced elliptical workout from the blog Itty Bitty Bits of Balance! By changing up the incline and resistance every couple minutes, you will keep your heart rate up and beat boredom! Not to mention, you’ll be done in just twenty minutes.


Ten Minute Ab Work-out

We all know how hard it is to get those ‘to-die-for’ abs, but here’s a quick little workout that can be done anywhere and only takes TEN MINUTES! You can do it in your dorm while watching tv or attempting to get some work done. This workout is good when you need a quick break and want to avoid going to grab that candy bar.


The “10-10-10” Upper Body Workout

This last workout, which is also courtesy of Ashley from Itty Bitty Bits of Balance, is perfect for those of who up are up for a challenge. The combination of strength training and cardio is sure to leave you breathless after just a half hour!

If you can find the time to fit in just three of these per week, you will be on your way to becoming one fit Collegiette™! What are some of your favorite quick workouts? Comment below!


Bentley University Class of 2014