Okay, you finally have some free time to start your job search.
You’ve updated your resume and you’re ready to start applying to jobs.
But then you start to wade through the job listings only to find out that you’re not qualified for any of them.
…Or it’s not what you’re looking for.
So, you decide to give up and come back to it later.
A few weeks pass and your friends start to bring up their interviews they have lined up.
It’s crunch time and you have to get a job… like yesterday.
Then you come across a job that seems perfect!
And you even get an interview for it!
But when you go there you realize you’ll basically just be a glorified intern.
Your family and friends start to ask you why you haven’t gotten a job yet.
You’re constantly stressing out.
And all your friends are talking about are their jobs after college.
It’s all you can do not to start screaming every five seconds.
Until one day, you get called in for an interview for a job you actually want…
And you get the job!
Good luck seniors!