Many changes are coming to Bentley’s campus! Some we’re excited about, some we are not…
First confirmed change…
…is the smoking ban on campus, starting in June 2016. This will definitely come to be a huge lifestyle change for many students. Bentley has been offering special sessions to help students overcome any addictions and break their habits now before they will be forced to comply to the new rules during the fall semester.
…is the potential for an on-campus hockey rink. Professors who are “in the know” have neither confirmed nor denied the possibility for the new facilities to replace the beloved JAR. Controversy has been surrounding the $45 million dollar project. Many rally around the hope that another on-campus location for students and athletes will increase a sense of community and school spirit, while also bringing revenue and recognition to our school. Others question how Bentley plans to pay off the $45 million loan and question the claims that it won’t affect tuition increases. Skeptics question why Bentley would build a rink but not renovate old dormitories, improve food on campus, and/or increase professor salaries.
…is the reconstruction of Jennison Hall. Since the entire building will be closed down, many students (especially the rising seniors) are concerned about how this may affect their odds for the perfect schedule. It’s rumored that there will be more unavoidable 8 AMs and even more Saturday classes. So unless you’re extremely lucky, registering for classes may be very, very stressful approaching the end of the semester.
…class structures will most definitely be changed because of the lack of space available. It is rumored that some GB courses will be lecture-based and will have about three times the amount of students that we’re used to. Some of these courses may even be modified content-wise.