If you like kids, babysitting is the best job to make extra money. Whether it be during the school year or over breaks– this job is simply amazing. Depending on where you live, you can usually make a good amount of money. In many places in the Northeast, the average rate for a babysitter is about $20 per hour. If you only work 1 hour a week, you would make about $140. No taxes are taken out so you are able to take home the full amount– which is amazing!
Aside from the pay, it is such an enjoyable job. Over the summer, I babysat for an 8 year old and it was like getting paid to hangout with a friend. Of course it’s different in nature, but kids are really funny and entertaining. Since it was the summertime, her parents wanted me to take her to do some fun activities. They paid for both her and I to go to the movies, get ice cream, go to the local pool, go to a trampoline park, and more. I started the summer off by working as a lifeguard. I sat at a pool everyday for hours by myself– with people coming to swim very infrequently. While it was simple, it was incredibly boring. I absolutely dreaded going everyday and found myself growing more and more miserable. I quit after only a few weeks and immediately found myself a babysitting job which I am so grateful for. When you like kids and are able to establish a connection with them, it’s a really fun, easy, and high reward job. It is a job that is always in demand and because of that it tends to be quite flexible.