The Black Student Union hosted its fashion show on Friday, Sept. 23. The name and theme of the show this year was “Rebe11e.”Â
The fashion show was used to raise money for the youth program and despite the name “Rebe11e,” they were trying to show their youth that it’s a positive thing to rebel and stand up for what you think is worth fighting for.
With this in mind, I decided to profile five models from the show and ask them what the theme meant to them.
Q: How did you guys become involved part of the show?Â
Lakim Desir: I was recommended to be a part of the fashion show since I am a transfer student and thought it would be a great way to socialize with others.Â
Jibri Easter: My decision to be a part of the fashion show was after seeing it freshman year.Â
Brett Settles: Being a part of fashion shows throughout high school, I wanted to see how a fashion show can be different.Â
Shaloma Wagstaffe: My friend Gabby did the show last year. She suggested I do it this year and try to meet new people and come out of my shell. Â
Gabriella Layne: I was a part of the show last year and I loved how I was able to make friends and share in the experience of meeting these new people. Â
The title of the show is Rebe11e, what does it mean to you?Â
Lakim Desir: To me Rebe11e means taking the divergent route.Â
Jibri Easter: It means to stand out, not follow trends.Â
Brett Settles: To me it means not conforming to society.
Shaloma Wagsttafe: It means to rebel against anything done last year. It means to do the opposite of what we have done.Â
Gabriella Layne: Rebe11e means to go against constraints people make. Whether it be by style, personality, or self-image. It lets you be crazy sometimes.Â