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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Birmingham chapter.

Name: Melvin Meju

Hometown: Lancaster

Course: Medicine

Year of study: Three

Relationship status: Single


What is your most memorable moment at Uni?

Talking my way back into Fab after being “escorted out”

Why were you escorted out?

For weeing in the sink, the queue was far too long!!


What is your favourite chat up line?

Me: There’s 20 letters in the alphabet aren’t there?

Girl: No there’s 26

Me: Oh I must have forgot U R A Q T

Girl: That’s only 25?

Me: You’ll get the D later


What do you look for in a girl?

Sense of humour is the most important thing!


What is your favourite student meal?

Beef stroganoff


What are you best known for?

Being that black guy in the Roosters video


If you could have any super power what would it be?

Pause time, so I’d have enough time to pack my bags at Aldi!


What is the best Uni night out?

Fab, silly question


Who is your dream celebrity date?

Lindsay Lohan (during Mean Girls)


Where would you take her?

To that all you can eat meat place in the Mailbox, she wouldn’t even have to be there to be honest, I’d be all over the meat


If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?

Barcelona- it is the best place!


What is your drink of choice?

Vodka Red Bull, simple but effective


What would your dream present be?

Any Apple product!


What is your dream car?

The new Polo, seen a few round Selly and they’re sick