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10 Lessons All BU Freshman Learn

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bloom U chapter.

Looking back on your freshman year, you learn a plethora of information outside of the classroom. As time passed you began to familiarize yourself with some of the in’s and out’s of campus life. While we all experience freshman year a little differently, some experiences are practically universal to your first year at BU.

Unpredictable weather.Reading local forecasts isn’t very helpful. Predictions only go so far at BU where you may wake up to snow and then the next day experience weather warm enough to wear shorts. And don’t get your hopes up because classes will rarely ever be cancelled even in the worst weather conditions.

Everyday at BU is leg day.The Student Rec Center is great, and one of my favorite places on campus, but the hills sometimes make the Rec seem unnecessary. You will feel your calves burn, embrace the pain!

Importance of Flex Dollars.Having more than half of the amount of Flex during the middle of the semester that you started out with is a great achievement. Who can blame you though? Making Flex last until the end of the semester is quite the challenge when most of the dining halls require more money than just a meal plan does.

Commons cookies are a favorite treat.Once you took the step to try one of the Common’s cookies you were hooked. There are days when students simply go to the Commons for cookies and nothing else. No explanation needed!

Inconvenient Res. Hall fire drills.The random fire drills will happen, often at uncomfortable times. Most students have woken up from a deep sleep at 4 a.m. to the sound of a fire alarm blaring and consider yourself lucky if you haven’t had to deal with a fire drill while you were showering.

Waiting in long lines is inevitable.This especially applies to dining halls on lower campus. Want to go to Subway? Prepare yourself to wait for a good 15 to 20 minutes. Husky Lounge and Italian Kitchen are also high traffic locations.

Thirsty Thursday is celebrated weekly.It doesn’t take long to learn that Thursday is a night filled with many shenanigans for students. At the same time not everyone goes out, so you shouldn’t feel like that is your only option.

Scheduling is a student battlefield.Having a seat in any particular class is never guaranteed, but you can forget about ever getting a spot unless you attempt to schedule classes within minutes after the designated scheduling time. 

The Andruss Library isn’t open 24/7.You will quickly realize that the library hours aren’t continuous even though you wish they were. This also applies to dining halls and the Rec. Some students have non-traditional schedules and having access to all of these places at any hour of the day would be appreciated.

Evident BU pride.Regardless of where you are on campus, you are bound to see at least five students wearing Bloom apparel. Go Huskies!


Hello readers,     My name is Amanda Kesselring, but I prefer to be addressed as Kess. I am a Sophomore at Bloomsburg University pursing a Psychology Major, Concentration in Gerontology as well as a Spanish Minor. You can find me all throughout campus involved in a ton of activities and organizations such as being a Cadet in Bloomsburg's Army ROTC program, working as a Community Assistant in Schuylkill Hall, Planning events for the Developing Ambitious Students Leaders senior planning committee, writing articles for Her Campus Bloom U and of course studying for class. I love Bloomsburg University and will continue to make the most of my time here leading up to graduation. I strive to make the most out of life and seize all of the opportunities that I obtain. "The most important shot isn't the one you just made or will make next, rather it is the one that you have been preparing for."-Kess
Kathryn is a loquacious and driven senior at Bloomsburg University studying English. Journalism has been her focus for almost eight years and she's slightly excited but mostly petrified of exploring her career options in a few short months. She can be found roaming the halls of Bakeless, yelling into the abyss in BU's student newspaper The Voice's office or making pancakes for her roommates.Check out her personal blog and her study abroad blog.