- Cash in extra credit
If you can do any extra credit or get any more points for revising an assignment or doing extra work, then do it. Even if you have a good grade in the class, if you have the time, it is a good idea to do extra credit because you can help boost your grade, which can help you to know what you need on the final to get the grade you want in the class.
- Check all your Grades and Assignments
For this, you should go online and make sure that your teachers have not only added all your assignments in and in correctly, but also what your grade is for the final and the percentage the final is worth. While you should try your hardest when studying for the final, some classes you definitely may need to study more for than others. Which makes it extremely important to know your standing grade wise before taking or studying for the finals.
- Keep in touch with friends
As Summer looms, many of the friends you made this year may be going home to other cities, states, or even countries. If you have not already done so, make sure to exchange contact information with friends, especially if they will need to be using a different form of communication this summer (texting instead of using social media, talking on phone instead of text, etc.). You do not want to spend a whole summer not being able to get in touch with new friends, so whether you are going half a mile or half a world away, make sure you have communication.
- If graduating or job hunting, get any last minute recommendations
If you are looking for a job this summer or a job for after college, it may be best to be able to talk in person with a professor or staff members on campus whom you want to help you get a job. Doing things like that early and getting it out of the way can help in the long run as it decreases chances for stress or worry about having to contact professors later in the summer to ask about recommendations. If you ask earlier, it also can help your caseĀ as it shows good initiative from the student, making you look better.
- Vacation plans and plans in general
With there being only a few weeks left of school, the best thing to get ready for the summer is to probably try to relax and also think about what is next. Maybe look into planning a trip with your family or friends or planning to get a summer job. Make some goals, make plans, and try to start thinking about what you can do. Summer is only aĀ little over 12 weeks, so do what you can to make the most of it. Ā