Block Party is an annual event that takes place during the month of April. It isn’t a university endorsed event but it is the more lit version of the university endorsed event, Springfest. Block Party consists of drinking and turning up, just unwinding before it’s time to buckle down for finals. The past three years my Block Party experiences have been nothing short of fun. It mainly consists of being surrounded by friends, food, music, and ALCOHOL!!
My sophomore year was the best Block Party by far. Big Sean performed and it was just a good time overall. That following Saturday, I had the worst hangover ever, mainly because I had about 15 shots of mixed vodkas and brown liquors, nothing some chicken strips, fries, and a Gatorade couldn’t fix. I managed to get my life together by that evening because that is when all the drunken fun takes place, Saturday night.
So, fast forward to Block Party 2K16. It was better than the year before minus the concert, because I didn’t go this year, but best believe alcohol was in attendance. Now look where we are, it’s Thursday April 20, 2017 and we’re about to kick off yet another and my last Block Party as a BloomU student. No better way to celebrate Thirsty Thursday and 4/20 all wrapped in one, even though I don’t smoke, but some people do. I can see that these next 3 days are going to be good to me, but probably not my body. I just need to equip myself with Gatorade, Advil, and a good pair of dark tint sunglasses. If you are a person who doesn’t want to partake in the lituation that is Block Party, you could always have fun at Springfest, which is what I do earlier in the day before I start day drinking. Even though we all want to have fun, the most important thing that we must remember to do is to BE SAFE while HAVING FUN.