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HCBloomU Writer: Jaclyn Beasley ’14

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bloom U chapter.

Campus Celebrity: Jaclyn Beasley

Year: Senior
Major: Communications
Minor: Information and Technology Management
Hometown: Berlin, NJ
Relationship status: Single

What made you decide to attend Bloomsburg University?
I came in as a transfer student interested in Business Education but ended up changing my major.

What activities are you involved both on and off campus?
I am involved in field hockey, NCASC, and I am the Treasurer of Lambda Pi Eta. 

What has been your favorite Bloom experience?
My favorite experience at Bloom was when field hockey was in the Final 4 my sophomore year.

What are some of your hobbies?
I love looking at blogs, any kind. I also enjoy spending time with my family.

What is your favorite genre of music?

How did you become involved in Her Campus?
I had seen an advertisement for it in the Class of 2014 Facebook page and since I love looking at blogs I figured this would be something fun to do.

What is a piece of advice you can give to current and future students at Bloom?
Go in undecided. You think you know what you want to study but then you realize that it’s not for you. You don’t want to be stuck in something you hate. You want to be in something that makes you happy.