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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bloom U chapter.

There is some truth in the fact that we all can relate to some of the fakest people on the planet at one point or another in life. 


  1. Boys are dumb
  2. Sometimes you just need to express yourself
  3. It’s okay to admit defeat 
  4. People are lucky to have you in their lives
  5. It really can be all about you 
  6. Honesty is the best policy? 
  7. You are a strong woman
  8. Self-confidence is KEY
  9. It is okay to laugh at yourself!
  10. Do not be a try hard 
  11. Sometimes people need to be put in their place
  12. Food is good
  13. People are assholes
  14. You will always have yourself
  15. Confront your issues 
  16. You can achieve anything you set your mind to
  17. Alone time is okay
  18. Realizing things is key 
  19. YOLO
  20. Sometimes you need a good cry 
As a senior, double majoring in Public Relations and Organizational Communications, Monica is eager to take on the roles of Campus Coordinator for Bloom U and Campus Trendsetter for HC. Whenever she isn't writing for HC, you can find her filming for the National Broadcast Society, volunteering for the Special Olympics Bocce Bash as Assistant Volunteer Coordinator, or supporting Pura Vida Bracelets as a Company Representative. Outside of her on-campus involvement, Monica enjoys photography, binge watching Netflix, eating Taco Bell, and making people laugh.