Name: Tuna
What are you?
 I am a fluffy, crazy, black kitten.
Where are you from?
 I am originally from the Harrisburg area, but moved to Berwick with my mommy.
How old are you?
Mommy isn’t sure because I was a rescue.
Meet Tuna:
- What is your favorite thing to do in your spare time?
“I really enjoy destroying all the toilet paper in my grandparent’s house then hiding under mommy’s bed and take a nap.”
- What’s your favorite food?
“I really like the tuna flavored wet cat food (ironically), but mommy doesn’t like me eating it much because it makes my breath smell bad.”
- What is your morning routine?
“Well I wake up pretty early and meow until my grandpa feeds me, then I watch the news with my grandma, then I play with my scratching post and go take a nap.”
- Who has the best bed to nap in?
“Definitely grandma!”
- What is your least favorite thing your mom does to you?
“Dresses me up in Halloween costumes.”
- What is your favorite thing to play with?
“I have so many toys, but I really love when my mommy blows my catnip bubbles and I get to attack them!”
This or that?
- Chicken or fish?
- Sleep or play
- Dry or wet food
  “Don’t tell mom, but wet food.”