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An Open Letter to the Guy Who Showed Me Better

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bloom U chapter.

Dear (insert name here),

You caught me off guard with your appearance. You weren’t expected in my life. I never saw you coming nor did I think you ever would, I had given up on the concept of a “good guy”. My version of being treated right was so distorted due to endless bad relationships, even the one I was in at the time we met. I believed that fighting was a normal everyday occurrence for relationships so I never once thought to question it. I forgot what it felt like to belly laugh and when I cried with you it wasn’t because of sadness, but pure bliss.

You found me when I didn’t even know I was lost. Friends who had known me for years would constantly say I deserved better but you SHOWED me I deserved better and it was only in a few short months. I had spent so much of my time investing my love into someone else, that I didn’t love myself. I will never forget the day you told me “everything will be okay”, when I felt like my world was falling apart. Those few simple words turned my world upside down. You were not only a good friend to me, but everything that a boyfriend should’ve been. For the first time in a long time I began to have expectations for myself and others again. I wanted to be a priority in someone’s life and no longer an option.

You found me when I didn’t even know I was lost.

I couldn’t believe the way you treated me, it seemed so unreal. Without even trying you quickly became everything I wanted in a guy. Instead of getting mad at me for crying after a rough day, you held me until I stopped. I wasn’t sure how to handle you and your actions quite honestly. I could see how broken you were from your past, without you even telling me. A part of me wishes I came into your life at a different time because maybe things could’ve worked, but you taught me more about myself in less than six months than anyone ever has. If you came up to me today and asked for another chance, I’d give you one without hesitation.

You didn’t think highly of yourself at the time, but I saw you in such a different light. Although it was a rough patch in your life, I’m glad I could be there for you when you needed a friend the most. I don’t think you ever understood how much I admired you. Every little thing you did for me truly blew my mind. You gave me the courage to stand up for myself and finally put my foot down when I had enough BS. It was long overdue for me to love myself again, but you helped guide me to the right path. Although you’re barely present in my life anymore I want to thank you for simply being you. I wish you nothing but endless happiness and hope you find someone who treats you as well as you did me.

Thank you for showing me that good guys do exist as well the fact that I deserve someone who loves me for who I am. You really are an incredible person inside and out, don’t ever forget that. If you ever need anything know that I’m only a phone call away and that I’d drop a task for you in an instant. Thank you for proving me wrong about my outlook on relationships and giving me hope for a bright future with the right guy.


The girl who let you go

Hi, guys! I'm JB and I am Campus Correspondent for Her Campus BloomU!