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Reasons I Hate Hardware Bar

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bloom U chapter.

It’s no secret that Bloomsburg is a big party school but once you hit 21 Hardware Bar is the place to be.  There’s a dance floor, two stages to dance on, multiple bars and pool tables.  There’s two Dj’s playing what they think art the hottest hits.  But let me be honest, Hardware Bar actually sucks.  Once you hit 23 you realize that you basically have to be blacked out drunk in order to actually enjoy yourself, that’s not the only thing I hate.  Here’s a few more things…


1. You literally have to fight your way through the crowd like the scene at the watering hole in Mean Girls

2. The music is either so overplayed or you’ve never heard of it that it makes you feel old.

3. The bathrooms SUCK, you spend your whole nght waiting in line at the bathroom and then you end up waiting for some girl to puke in the stall.

4. THE DRINKS!! You might as well be at a juice bar because the drinks are basically just mixer with a splash of liquor.

5. If you’re a senior like me when you walk through Hardware Bar you are literally saying to yourself “Who are you?” “Are you even 21?” “Weren’t you just a freshman?” “Didn’t you get your fake taken?”

Basically walking through Hardware Bar sober you feeling like you’re in an alternate universe aka hell

I am a 23 year old senior at Bloomsburg University. I am a Mass Communications major on the telecommunications track and with a concentration in Public Relations.