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Things I Wish I Could Have Told A Younger Me…

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bloom U chapter.

You’re going to mess up…And that is beyond okay. Failing a class, not making a team, it happens. You will become a better and more determined person because of it.


He may have broken your heart, but you will get over it eventually…He sucks. Plain and simple. He toyed with your emotions and you gave it your all but it didn’t work. Your first love, your first fight, your first heartbreak- it hurts like hell, but as time goes on you WILL feel better and learn what you actually deserve.


Put effort into every aspect of your life, even if you don’t really like it…It’s hard to care about something that doesn’t interest you, but if you’re going to have to spend time on it, you might as well do it right; none of that half-assed stuff. You never know when something little will pay off big.


Never judge a person you don’t know by what you’ve heard…Odds are the people telling you another person is weird, bad, etc. is NOT the kind of person you want to be around. Talking about others is extremely unattractive and usually due to personal reasons. By taking another’s opinions into account you are denying yourself the ability to get to know someone that might be a really great person. Always form your own opinions.


Trust more…Truth be told, you cannot trust everyone. There are bad people everywhere you go, but there are also good people everywhere you go. Have a little faith in people, you will be so much happier.


Spend less money on stupid stuff…It’s not worth it. It’s really not. You will regret spending $100 on that dress you could find somewhere else for $40 and going out to eat five times a week is a terrible idea on so many levels. Start saving early, life will be so much easier.


Your grades actually matter a lot…Whether you’re applying for undergraduate or graduate school or even a job they will look at your academic performance. Start caring more so you’re able to succeed.


Wearing sweatpants to class will probably make you happier in the end…No one has time to look nice Every. Single. Morning. #SNS

Your friends and families opinions really do matter…They’re just looking out for you, not trying to sabotage your life. If they say you look hideous as a bottle-blonde, go to the hairdresser ASAP.

It’s never too late to change…If you don’t like something, change it. Life is way too short to be unhappy with ANYTHING. The world is your oyster, so find your pearl.


Hi, guys! I'm JB and I am Campus Correspondent for Her Campus BloomU!
Kathryn is a loquacious and driven senior at Bloomsburg University studying English. Journalism has been her focus for almost eight years and she's slightly excited but mostly petrified of exploring her career options in a few short months. She can be found roaming the halls of Bakeless, yelling into the abyss in BU's student newspaper The Voice's office or making pancakes for her roommates.Check out her personal blog and her study abroad blog.