Figuring what you want to do after graduation can be a difficult decision, but don’t fret. There are plenty of things that you can do. Often when college students are asked what they want to do after graduation they say, “Hopefully find a job in my career field.” We all know that in this day age it is hard to find a job in your desired career field whether you have a degree in that specialization or not. I’ve witnessed people graduate college and then go into job fields that aren’t related to their degree which is not a bad idea. When people graduate, their main concern is to find a job that pays well, pay back their loans, find their own housing, or to travel and enjoy the time that they now have off from school. It would be ideal to secure your dream job right out of college, but we know that rarely happens or sometimes may never happen, so people settle for what may be working for them at the time. I think that it is a good idea to do research on the different fields or jobs that you can enter with your degree because that could open your eyes to jobs that you haven’t considered before.
Another good idea would be to enter a career field and then to work your way up to your desired position, which may take some time, but along the way you will gain beneficial experience. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t land your dream job right of out of college, just keep trying and applying yourself, and you’ll find what’s best for you eventually. Sometimes majors require that you complete an internship as a part of your degree’s requirements, but if not try to find an internship after college, which could make you more marketable and gain experience at the same time. Never forget to set mini goals for yourself during the job search process, and don’t compare your journey to others because things don’t fall into place in the same amount of time for everyone.