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Alexis’ Guide to The Universe: Angel Numbers, Frequencies, The Law of Attraction, & More!

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bowling Green chapter.

If you search on Google, “What is The Universe?” an article from NASA pops up and explains that “The universe is everything.” But what does that mean? Everything — as in everything? The short answer is yes.

On a vague level, The Universe is every single thing that exists even outside of our mind’s eye. It is everything that is on Earth, as well as everything that is outside of it too. The planets, the stars, the matter, the wind; everything is The Universe. That includes me, you, and everybody & everything else that exists.

From a scientific point of view, NASA describes what The Universe is made of as this: “All the energy and matter there is.” According to their studies, all of the energy and life on Earth only makes up less than 5% of The Universe. And the rest we haven’t explored because scientists aren’t able to — just yet.

You may have heard of something called “manifesting”, or perhaps you’ve heard the term “Law of Attraction”. Manifesting is the action behind using the Law of Attraction. Both have to do with the same thing: energy.

Think back to middle school (or high school) and try to remember what you learned in science class. You might remember being told that everything has energy, including every single person, object, animal, and whatever is in-between. You also might recall learning about the laws of thermodynamics and how energy cannot be created nor destroyed; energy can only transferred. According to the laws of physics, our energy is constantly bouncing off of us and everything around us and radiating into The Universe. While my energy as I type this is radiating from me to my laptop, I am also simultaneously absorbing the energy radiating from my laptop. This is constantly happening every second of everyday: when we talk to somebody else, when we feel different emotions, when we engage in physical activity, when we’re awake and when we’re sleeping, when we hug or kiss a loved one, and when we’re daydreaming in the middle of class. It’s always happening, whether we feel it or not.

Because we are constantly transferring energy to & from each other and everything we come in contact with, we are also absorbing other energy. I know you’ve heard the phrases “good vibes” or “bad vibes” — this is literally scientific; derived from the concept of good and bad energetic vibrations. Again, thinking back to science class, we remember learning that atoms are always moving and vibrating. Every piece of matter contains these vibrating atoms, which release energy, and the frequency at which they vibrate is the exact frequency that gets sent into the rest of The Universe.

So let’s say you’re not in a good mood. You spilled your coffee on your favorite shirt this morning and you were up so late the night before that you forgot to brush your teeth. To make it more interesting, you stubbed your toe walking out of the house. Now you’re irritated, agitated, and every other Debbie-Downer emotion in the book (which would be totally fair). The second you begin to think negative thoughts and process your emotions as bad, your energy begins to vibrate at a lower frequency. Then, when you go to talk to other people and you snap at them for something because of your predisposed irritation, you’re now sending the frequency of your energy their way. The same is true vice versa; if you spend time with a Negative Nancy, it won’t be long until you begin to feel like Sad Sally — even if you’re not around them anymore.

It’s not as scary as it sounds, though, and one thing you should note that’s very promising: your energetic frequency can be raised at any point in time. Of course, it’s easier said than done, and you might even roll your eyes when an “all-knowing” Instagram spiritual guru says to just “think positive thoughts!” (Which, again, is totally fair.) As human beings, we all let our feelings and emotions guide our thoughts and behavior. It can be a good thing, though, if we use it to our advantage, and that’s what I want to focus on.

You might’ve heard this before: when you begin to change your conscious and subconscious thoughts, your energy follows. If you begin to point them in a more positive direction, your energy flows in that same direction. This is when the Law of Attraction really comes into play.


A graduate thesis written by student Eddie Mullins for the University of Wisconsin-Stout describes that there are three parts to the Law of Attraction: the Law itself, the Law of Creating, and the Law of Allowing. From a scientific point of view, as I stated earlier, energy contains atoms, which contain electrons (9th grade chemistry, anyone?) and all of these electrons work to keep the atom stable at a certain vibrating frequency. They can raise to a higher level of frequency, if given the higher energy, or conversely, drop to a lower level.

According to Quantum Physics, the human mind, body, and soul is interconnected with the Universe and the energy it contains. Since the beginning of the 1900s, we have been able to research and describe through Quantum Physics how it connects us to the energy we’re surrounded by every moment of every day. A few findings have been noted since: a big one being the fact that the energy field we exist in doesn’t exist locally — in fact, it’s considered to be holographic. We are able to make contact with this field using our feelings and emotions, and that’s why when you shift your mood, your external reality begins to change.

When you do begin to shift your energy and the way you think, you might begin to notice synchronicities. For some, that might come in the form of angel numbers (cough cough, me, cough) or something like seeing a word on a billboard that you never use but just said a few minutes ago or hearing a song come on that you’ve been thinking about randomly.

A majority of my personal experience with synchronicities involves seeing my angel number at the perfect moment — 222. Times when I drove to my ex boyfriend’s house after we broke up even though I knew it wasn’t good for me, being out with my friends and making memories, driving home to Michigan from school or back to school from home; I’ve seen 222 on license plates, exit signs, my mileage and clock in my car, calculators, menu boards, home addresses, store receipts, confirmation codes, shipping numbers, and honestly, probably more that I can’t think of at the moment. When I received my first gifted package from a brand last summer (I was jumping up and down from excitement) the shipping number ended in 222. It was the first thing I noticed when I grabbed the package and set it down on the table. I stood in my kitchen, stunned, staring at the box in awe. I’ve seen that number in moments that resonated more times than I can count — so much so that I got it tattooed on me for life.

There are a variety of different angel numbers that exist and appear from time to time. Some people may resonate with different sequences more than others — for instance, 444, 555, 333… the list goes on. I’ve had friends who resonate with sequences like 1234, or my mom, who’s angel number is her birthday: 1124. Last year, I bought a book that is basically an entire angel number encyclopedia — The Angel Numbers Book by Mystic Michaela. It has every single number up to 999, including those “popular” sequences (111, 222, etc.) and a description of what every sequence means in terms of numerology. The term “angel numbers” is a more spiritual spin on the core principles and ideas of numerology, which first originated in Egypt and Babylonia. Numerology could be an entire article in itself — one that I’ll have to save for next time.

Long story short, The Universe encapsulates every source of energy that exists, even those that we can’t see with our eyes. That exact energy is constantly being transferred from person to object to animal to plant to the air we breathe and everything in-between. When that energy flows towards something that is positive, fueled with positive feelings and thoughts, its’ frequency raises and attracts other energetic frequencies that are high, positive, and feel good to us. That’s why when you start to shift your mindset for the better, you may start to notice things like good news coming in from places you didn’t expect or new people coming into your life that you never knew you needed. New opportunities, experiences, and more room for better things.

There are so many ways to use the Law of Attraction and manifesting in your daily life — including journaling, visualizing, affirmations, meditating, and so much more. Luckily, we live in an age where our resources are right at our fingertips, so I highly recommend doing more research if you’re interested in learning more about The Universe and spirituality in general.


The Process of the Law of Attraction by Eddie Mullins for the University of Wisconsin-Stout, 2008

What is The Universe? by Pat Brennan for NASA, 2022

Alexis is a Wellness Writer for Her Campus and a recent graduate of Bowling Green State University. Her passions include graphic and digital design, her spirituality, content creation, trying new recipes, writing, and inspiring other women. She enjoys writing about womanhood, life as a 20-something, and relationships. She also has her own blog, her glow, that she started in 2021 and has been building ever since.