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Anna Schultz-Looking Out Window Road Trip
Anna Schultz-Looking Out Window Road Trip
Anna Schultz / Her Campus

The Cafe On The Edge of the World: Jaime’s Menu to Connect Within

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bowling Green chapter.

“Why is it that we spend so much of our time preparing for when we can do what we want, instead of just doing what we want right now?”


Welcome to the “Cafe”

Hello! I’m Jaime. I haven’t published an article in a while but, that just means more for me to write and share with you today, and I have quite a story to tell! Recently, I read the book, “The Cafe on the Edge of the World” by John Strelecky. It’s about finding the purpose and meaning of your life. The main character, John, is on a road trip and ends up at a cafe and you’ll never guess where…the edge of the world. Anyways, the story takes place at the cafe, and on the menu, there are three questions. It provides him with food for thought as he begins a new journey of self-discovery. I definitely recommend you grab a copy at your nearest library!

Side note: After reading this book, I started thinking more about having my own cafe one day. A cafe with a magnificent bookshelf in the back and comfy booths and breakfast nooks next to open windows. The view you would see out of the windows would be mountains and lavender flowers. Along with the cozy and relaxing space, a coffee and tea bar would be full of a variety of options. Of course, chai tea lattes would be on there because they are my favorite. The menu of food would include blueberry muffins, fluffy cinnamon pancakes, eggs with cheese and spinach, and cranberry orange scones to name a few. There would be an arts and crafts space with colorful paints and colored pencils. Also, journals at each table to share something beautiful with other people. It could be a positive message, advice, life lesson, or just something simple and funny! Now, imagine this cafe I’ve created as the one at the edge of the world.

Tuning in

Today at the cafe, I’m looking back on the last few months and sharing my new perspective by tuning in to the body and mind. Tuning in sometimes feels like a breakdown but is truly a breakthrough. I’m the author of my own thoughts and life.

In August, I got a journal (I think number 8 but I’ve lost count) from my grandmother, and it has a butterfly on the cover. I re-evaluated my goals and did some work journaling after feeling like I lost my happy self and distracting myself with endless summer art projects (as much as I loved all of them). I wrote about how I had such an intuitive feeling that this semester was going to be good but didn’t know why or how. In September, I reconnected with friends and met new people. I felt the most myself, happiest, and laughed the most I had in a while. This October, I applied to the Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program to further my education and get my master’s to become a therapist in the future. I’m falling into a new chapter just as I started this beautiful colorful fall semester; in a harness at the climbing wall at the recreation center swinging on the rope (not totally falling) around the middle of the wall feeling happy, carefree, and full of life.

For The mind: with coffee or a latte to start

Occasionally, I go to a coffee shop called “Grounds for Thought” and always order an amazing chai tea latte. It allows my mind to focus and stay present with the smells of cinnamon, vanilla, and ginger. As I drink my chai, I write down a few thoughts in my journal:

  • Personally, I think problems are seen as big and overwhelming worries. What if problems and issues are just seen as obstacles to overcome? Then, the obstacle can be worked on and get better over time through learning to cope, grow, and heal. Taking time to read in nature with the sun on my face and colorful fall leaves in the grass.
  • Rainy days are full of sadness and gloom. They lead to the overthinking mind to feel like a dark cloud. What if the overthinking is because I know I’m overthinking? Now, when the sun comes out I see that I am just thinking and thoughts are normal to have and there is beauty to be found in the darkness. During this spooky season, I let go of the fear of control.

For The Body: with fluffy pancakes or eggs

Part of my weekly routine is having pancakes on Saturday. They are so delicious that they have become more than a once-a-week breakfast for me. They nourish and fuel my body with the energy I need to start my day. As I’m eating, I think of what I want to do for my body to move and feel good today:

  • Climbing? The holds can be challenging but bring strength, determination, and resilience for me to experience and overcome just like obstacles in life. Maybe even in the middle of the climb I can persevere and find a new route to take and do what feels right in the moment. Sometimes, it’s all about just going for it and pushing yourself and getting out of your comfort zone. One peak and valley at a time.
  • Yoga? The balancing poses help me build strength, endurance, and flexibility. As soon as I roll out my yoga mat, I feel a sense of calm and relaxation. I forget about worries, meet myself where I am, and leave the rest on the mat. I smile as I stretch and almost fall trying out a new pose. I find gratitude and pure bliss in moving my body, appreciating what I am capable of, and slowing down.

As I walk out of the cafe,

I can breathe again and realize more and more that life is all about connecting within. It’s the morning intention and night reflections. The happy thoughts and just living life with a positive attitude. Also, burning candles and spinning vinyls on rainy gloomy days. It’s cooking nourishing delicious meals in the kitchen and reading in the sun surrounded by colors of fall leaves and flowers. The yoga poses and painting in the afternoon. Most importantly, spend time with beautiful people and capture beauty from the unexpected moments; because who knows, one day you may end up at my cafe… and need something to write in the journal at your booth. :)

Jaime Wolschleger

Bowling Green '24

Jaime is currently a senior at Bowling Green State University. She is majoring in psychology with a minor in nutrition. She is very passionate about helping other people through experience and spreading advice. She discusses creating balance, sharing her favorite thoughts on intuitive eating, self love, body image, anxiety + mental health, fitness, media and so much more!