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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bowling Green chapter.

At the end of each and every day, I glance at the night sky, hopeful to catch a glimpse of the moon’s twinkling light. Its radiance illuminates the entire sky despite existing in a sea of endless darkness. As a symbol of the continual evolution of life, the moon guides us through the darkness in our lives. To me, the moon symbolizes the soul of each individual human who experiences the ability to learn, release, and grow from significant life moments. The moon rises and shines through the darkness each night as a remembrance of the triumphs we overcome. Understanding the flow of life and our personal adventures can be represented through each of the eight moon phases: the new moon, waxing crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, full moon, waning gibbous, third quarter, and waning crescent. 

The first moon phase, the new moon, purely resembles an awakening or rebirth of the soul. During this phase, the individual may choose to create a fresh start as they set intentions to accomplish in a later chapter of development.

The waxing crescent exhibits qualities of manifestation and positive actions toward an individual’s well-being. Now is the perfect time for you to focus on you and your priorities as well as continue to work on self-improvement as the light of the moon grows with you.  

The first quarter moon displays the balance and perseverance each individual must possess to overcome upcoming obstacles. These challenges may present dynamic changes where the individual must decide how to handle the situation and commit to the changes within their personal journey.  

The waxing gibbous represents an intermediate phase prior to the final steps of accomplishing an obstacle. This phase will test your endurance and desire to succeed, yet you must show flexibility to adjust your own path.  

The full moon illuminates the sky with its fullness and the fulfillment of the individual’s triumph. This phase is a moment of substantial gratitude and self-reflection on how the individual’s journey got them where they were always meant to be. 

The waning gibbous phase allows you to clear your mind of all the negative doubts you once had before arriving at this specific moment. You must let go of every uncertainty in your mind and release these thoughts into the atmosphere. 

The third quarter shows each of us that we must continue to move forward in a positive direction. During this phase, it is so important to take accountability for your past mistakes and remember to continue loving the person you are becoming. 

The last moon phase, the waning crescent, embodies the significance of taking a step back, breathing, and observing all that you have overcome throughout your journey. In this moment you must care for yourself as you recharge for the next obstacle. 

Through the difficulties in my own life, the moon’s radiance always reminds me, “at least we are all under the same moon.” One of the most challenging aspects of life is change, yet living is truly the art of getting used to what we did not expect. As we evolve, each as our own individual selves, through our own journeys, no matter where we end up, we can look to the moon and know we all live together under the beauty of the same moon. 

Emily Behm

Bowling Green '26

Emily is currently a third year studying Architecture and Environmental Design. She is involved in various BGSU student organizations and programs such as CHAARG, President of Self Love Club, the Honors College, and AIAS for architecture.