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3 Must-Watch Movies For Women’s History Month

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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bradley U chapter.

Happy Women’s History Month readers! Looking for a movie to watch that celebrates the highs and lows of womanhood? This is the list for you! I absolutely adore these movies, so I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

“Mona Lisa Smile” (2003)

“Mona Lisa Smile” is about an art professor at an all girls school. Her goal is to teach her students that they are more than just future wives. This was such a well-written story, that was perfectly complimented with great acting and amazing visuals. The dialogue aswell was just breathtaking. I loved every part of this movie, and it is definitely worth a watch this month.

“Real Women Have Curves” (2002)

This is another beautifully shot and written movie, that’s message was just so powerful. “Real Women Have Curves” is a film about a young women who just graduated high school. Her dream is to go away for college, but to do so, she has to break away from her family’s views of having the women stay home and help provide for their families. This movie has such a powerful message of self-acceptance, body positivity and following your dreams. This movie is worth your time to watch and enjoy.

“Slums of Beverly Hills” (1998)

“Slums of Beverly Hills” is about a young lower-middle-class girl who is trying to adjust to her new home in Beverly Hills along with her maturing body. This movie really digs into the feeling of being used or objectified for your body and brought light to things that aren’t usally addressed. There are some heavier scenes in this movie though that address issues of sexual asualt so if that is something you don’t want to see, this might not be the film for you. Overall, this movie has a lot of scenes that stuck with me, and I hope you feel the same when you watch it.

junior – 21 – psychology major - criminology minor – movie enjoyer