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Have a Great Summer, Reader!

Updated Published
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bradley U chapter.

Hello beautiful readers! It’s that time of the year again: time for us to get packed up for the summer and enjoy our time away from school. Bradley is officially wrapped up with finals and classes now, and we’re getting ready for seniors to graduate. This exciting time also means something a bit more sad: no more articles for the next few months. However, we will be back full swing with the next semester starting! 

Before we officially go away, we wanted to take a moment to thank everyone that reads our articles! We really could not be a chapter without the continued support of all of you and we hope that you’ll continue with us in the coming year. We have a lot of great things planned, as always, and we really want to share them with you! 

We also have an exciting announcement! We have a new executive board that’s going to be taking charge of the chapter for the next year! Allow me to be the first to introduce our 2024-2025 executive board:

Kylie Kruis – President 

Charlotte Tolly – Editor in Chief

Rylee Clark – Senior Editor

Breanna Watermolen – Secretary

Jasmyn Burton – Treasurer & Co-Social Media Lead

Jessie Taylor – Co-Social Media Lead

Grace Oatman – Events and PR Manager

We are so excited for everything in the coming year and we truly think this will be our best year yet! I would also like to take a moment to thank Her Campus at Bradley University for trusting me to take charge of the chapter for a third year in a row. I don’t know what I’d be doing without this group, and I can’t wait to pour my heart into this group again for my final year at Bradley. Thank you!

Until then, we appreciate all of your support and continued love of our chapter! 

Kylie Kruis

Bradley U '25

I am the current president at the Her Campus at Bradley University chapter. I oversee the general operations of the chapter, run meetings, and correspond with HCHQ. Beyond Her Campus, I am also the current community service exec chair for my sorority, Epsilon Sigma Alpha. I have been part of the organization since my freshman year after leading a volunteer group for several years prior to college. I am also the current community service outreach member for Bradley's psychology club, Psi Chi and Psych Club. As the community service member for both, I am constantly reaching out to other organizations in the community to collaborate on creating a better overall town. I am currently a junior at Bradley University in Peoria, IL, majoring in Psychology and English - Creative Writing with a minor in Women's and Gender Studies. In my free time, I enjoy hiking with my boyfriend, spending the weekend with my family and dogs, and writing short stories. I'm a new Bachelor nation fan and have extremely strong opinions about most people on them. I also enjoy several podcasts ranging from comedy to true crime. My passion lies with volunteering and being a leader for others whenever possible.