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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bradley U chapter.

Summer is idealized as a time for rest, rejuvenation, and relaxation. Last summer, I certainly did plenty of beach strolls and late mornings. But I was also keeping very busy by working a full-time job and dedicating many evenings to something truly exciting: Placebo Entertainment LLC.

In case you weren’t aware, getting internships in interactive media field (like UX design, game design, animation, art, etc.) is incredibly difficult. So, instead of waiting on another company to give her an opportunity, my friend and roomie founded her own game design studio. Pretty cool, right? I was recruited to join, alongside around 17 other Bradley students. We had one simple goal: create a game over the summer. This would be a great chance to learn, try new things, and stretch our skills in a fun way.

I was a UX Designer on this project, alongside being a 2D artist. What that means is that I did all sorts of cool mini projects in service of our larger goal. I designed a custom alien font, made UI screens (like character dialogue boxes that pop up when you talk), designed our company website, our logo, our game logo, and lots of in-universe posters. I got to work alongside developers, artists, and other designers, learning about their skills while they learned a little more about the importance of UX.

The result, after months of hard work by a lot of passionate people, is our original game: Beyond the Marion! In the game, you play as a human astronaut on a multi-species alien crew. Your mission: take your ship past the Marion, aka the edge of the known universe, to see what’s on the other side. The only problem is that you’re trapped in a time loop. Learn about different aliens, help them solve problems, and you might just escape. The game is inspired by pulpy science fiction, Claymation, and retro 1970s aesthetics. In my opinion, the best part of the game is getting to know all of the strange and wonderful beings you’re surrounded by.

If you want to support a creative project founded, funded, and created 100% by Bradley students, if you like sci-fi adventures with retro aesthetics, or if you’re just looking for a fun way to spend an hour, I can’t recommend Beyond the Marion enough. Check it out on Itch.io and (very soon) Steam!

Charlotte Tolly

Bradley U '25

Charlotte is a third year UX design major with a passion for art and writing. In her free time, you can find her baking, reading, or spending time with her friends.