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Traveling Abroad With Bradley

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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bradley U chapter.

Summertime is a great time to try new things. Whether you’re starting a new internship, getting into a hobby you finally have time for, or exploring with friends, its the perfect season for saying “yes.”

This summer, I am fortunate enough to try something new: traveling abroad! Yes, for the first time, I will be studying abroad with Bradley University. I will be in Rome, Italy as soon as the school year is over. I will be taking a class about disability and accessibility, which works really well with my major.

May Terms are a great opportunity that I feel like not all students know about. If you’re like me and don’t have the time/money/schedule for a full semester abroad, why not travel for a month instead? This way, I get to experience the highlights of Rome without compromising my ability to get a summer internship or derailing my graduation requirements.

I’m more excited to go than I can possibly express. I can’t wait to write all about it once I get back. Buon Viaggio!

Charlotte Tolly

Bradley U '25

Charlotte is a third year UX design major with a passion for art and writing. In her free time, you can find her baking, reading, or spending time with her friends.