Can you believe that it’s Thanksgiving already? How about the fact that 2018 is almost over? How crazy!?
With all of this year’s ups and downs, especially at this time of the year, it is important to take a moment to acknowledge and give gratitude to the people, places, and experiences that contribute to the goodness in our lives.
Here are 18 of the things I am most grateful for this Thanksgiving season:
The Red Sox’s World Series Win
Even though I’ve been called a “Fake Fan” because I don’t really follow the season, the Red Sox’s World Series win this year really brought out the inner Boston sports fan from within me. And thanks to their win, I was able to attend my first Red Sox parade in Boston with my brother and feel a part of the larger, spirited Boston sports community.
The Boston Tour of Hamilton
My dreams of seeing Hamilton were FINALLY fulfilled. ‘Nuff said.
Ariana Grande’s “Thank U, Next”
This catchy smash hit took over the internet in a matter of minutes, became a meme overnight, and became applicable to every social situation EVER. Although no one was surprised about the Pete-Ariana split, at least this fabulous break-up song came out of it and empowered women everywhere.
I honestly don’t know if I would have made it to any of my classes, done half of my homework, or shown up for work if it wasn’t for this highly-caffeinated substance. I look forward to more of your continuous sustainability.
Not only has my love of music led me to a community of incredible girls who love to sing and be together, but it has also led me to want to learn more about the art and explore arranging music and tuning my ear.
For all of the times I’ve needed to go somewhere and there’s no other way for me to get there, I owe it all to Lyft and it’s safe drivers.
Having a Single
I could not be more thankful to have my own space this year to strengthen my independent skills and to have a safe and comfortable space to retreat to at the end of the day. It has influenced my mental health and my relationships with others in so many necessary ways that I didn’t know would be beneficial to me in such a way.
My Brother
With both of us in college this year, I’m so grateful for how my relationship with my brother has grown and evolved. It’s awesome that we can now bond over not only how ridiculous our parents are sometimes, but also we can bond over the college experience, friendships, and so much more.
My Old Friends
Even if we don’t talk every day, thank you for sticking it out with me through thick and thin. Whether you’re from childhood, high school, camp, college, or elsewhere – I feel so lucky to have you in my life as a source of support and compassion in any situation.
My New Friends
Sometimes it feels difficult to meet new people after a certain point in your life, but I am so happy to have met so many amazing people in the past year who have significantly impacted my life.
My Communities
In regards to all of the unfortunate things going on in the world, I have never been more thankful to be a part of the Brandeis community, the larger Jewish community, the Boston community, and so many more communities that have come together throughout the year to support communities members and people in other communities and rise up together.
My Campers
After living with them for a whole two months this past summer and making so many memories together, it has been incredible to keep up relationships with each of these girls and watch them grow and take on the world.
My Connection to Israel
Although this semester has been busy as hell, most of the busyness has been related my desire to get involved in the Israel scene on campus. My identity on campus and amongst my friends has been shaped by my passion for Israel; and to my deep connection with the country, I am grateful, especially as I look forward to pursuing a career in Israel engagement and education.
My Travels
From Phoenix to Philly, from New York, New York to York, Maine, from my single to study abroad – my past, present, and future travels are all experiences that I am so thankful for. I can’t wait to take the memories from each of these travels into the next part of my life.
The Opportunity to Go to College
Oftentimes, it is easy to forget that it is a privilege to go to college as so many young people in the U.S. do it without question. But I am so grateful for the opportunity to attend university, more specifically to attend Brandeis, take courses that interest me, expand my knowledge, meet interesting people, and live independently.
Going to School Close to Home
I never knew how much I needed to stay close to home during college until it hit me during the last year. I feel so fortunate to have easy access to an escape from the stresses of school where I can go to eat some comfort food, sprawl out and do my homework, or just to see some friendly faces.
My Parents
I have no idea where I would be without my parents; they are truly my rocks who support me through everything happening in my life, push me to challenge myself and learn a lot, and smother me with infinite amounts of love.
A Future to Look Forward To
2019 looks beyond exciting, between studying abroad, interning next summer, starting my senior year, and celebrating many happy occasions throughout. I really can’t wait to just start this coming year’s journey come January 2019.