Owned a credit card
I mean yeah I want the SkyMiles but I also don’t have a steady job…
Gone Skydiving
PC: Sky Dive Perris (http://skydiveperris.com/tandem-skydiving-los-angeles/)
But like my only plans to skydive are for when I make it to 104, so I still have 84 years.
Traveled to South America
PC: Pinterest (https://www.pinterest.com/blakehoon/south-america-geo/?lp=true)
I didn’t take four years of Spanish in high school for nothing. I mean I hate reptiles; but how could I pass up the natural wonders of the Galapagos Islands?!
Gotten a “wild” piercing
PC: Stylist (http://www.stylist.co.uk/beauty/beautiful-ear-piercing-inspiration-earring-tragus-ear-pierced-ideas-beauty-blog-how-to-earring)
Has the time for this past already?… maybe…
Gone to Disneyworld
PC: Popsugar (https://www.popsugar.com/smart-living/Disney-World-Tips-37275397)
But like Disneyland is the OG amiright or amiright?
Filed taxes
PC: Georgia Watch (http://www.georgiawatch.org/taxmap/)
Can I always just be listed as a dependent?
Bought a lottery ticket
PC: istockphoto (http://www.istockphoto.com/photos/lottery-ticket?excludenudity=true&sort=mostpopular&mediatype=photography&phrase=lottery%20ticket)
Eighteen came and went and it still hasn’t happened
Learned a Winter sport
PC: Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXkbOlrTCC8)
Unless you count tubing…
Written a check from my bank account
PC: Discount Checks (http://discountcheckstore.com/test/special-interest-checks.asp?prod=496853131&subid=DCS-GG-Categories-Betty)
Does a venmo caption count?
Learned a recipe by heart
PC: Cook Smarts (https://www.cooksmarts.com/cooking-guides/)
But I know the directions for Ghiradelli brownie mix by heart… Preheat the oven to 325…
Made a LinkedIn account
PC:Social Talent (https://www.socialtalent.com/blog/recruitment/best-linkedin-account)
That is literally the first step in giving into #adulting.
Fixed a flat tire… or learned how to fix a flat tire
PC: WKRG (http://wkrg.com/2017/02/24/debris-on-i-10-causing-flat-tires/)
S/O to my parents for the 36 year AAA membership
Learned how to drive a stick shift
PC: NY Daily News (http://www.nydailynews.com/autos/americans-driving-stick-shift-article-1.1072784)
I mean soon enough cars will just drive themselves, and I mean at least I got my driver’s license…
TP-ed a house
PC: Pinterest (https://www.pinterest.com/pin/513551163737647920/?lp=true)
The problem with growing up in a small town is that all the moms know each other and it’s inevitable that Jimmy’s mom will call you by 9 am the next morning asking you to come clean her yard. Â
Dyed my hair
PC: Reference (https://www.reference.com/beauty-fashion/can-use-aluminum-foil-color-hair-ea5aabd1b238f70f)
Just trying to take advantage of my natural hair color while I have it.
Had a New Year’s kiss
PC: Odyessy Online (https://www.theodysseyonline.com/why-you-dont-need-to-kiss-someone-at-midnight)
The real question is have I ever been up til midnight on New Year’s Eve?
Gone to a music festival
PC: Greg Noire (https://www.everfest.com/magazine/all-the-best-photos-from-coachella-2017-weekend-one)
Drive to the desert, fight people for a slice of watermelon, be covered in glitter for the rest of the year? Spotify is sounding pretty nice right about now.
Been hospitalized or broken a bone
PC: Best Online MD (http://www.bestonlinemd.com/broken-arm/)
Knock on wood…
Kept a journal or diary
PC: Bike Radar (http://www.bikeradar.com/gear/article/cycling-training-diary-12750/)
On the bright side, I can’t look back at any embarrassing huge life problems from middle school.
Gotten my s**t together
PC: Marion Smith Designs (http://marionsmithdesigns.blogspot.com/2015/06/araceli-from-creative-planner-team.html)
I’ll be lucky if I can do this by the time I’m 85