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Adam Lapetina ’12

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brandeis chapter.

 This week I was lucky enough to sit down with Brandeis’ campus cutie, celebrity and all around Renaissance man: none other than Adam Lapetina, from Sh*t Brandeis Students Don’t say.  I got the scoop on the chocolate almond milk loving man behind the superstar. 

AGS: Where are you from?
AL: Northborough, Mass.  It’s a small town outside of Worchester.

AGS: What is your major?
AL: My major is film and my minor is creative writing.

AGS: You are kind of You Tube sensation celebrity… talk about that.
AL: I uh. I don’t know. I didn’t realize I was a celebrity but I am glad that people enjoy the video that we put on You Tube. Walking around campus I get a lot of knowing nods and waves and people say nice video. Other than that my life is similar to before.

AGS: No paparazzi?
AL: No paparazzi. [that’s probably because he hasn’t gotten good at spotting them] Well actually there was one instance. I was sitting in Usdan and people asked for my picture. I’m just a guy.

AGS: Is it a good pickup line at parties?
AL: I tend to not draw any attention to it.  

AGS: How do you think your life will be different since being campus cutie?
AL: Um maybe instead of people saying “hey nice video, they’ll say hey nice article on Her Campus.” It will be a welcome change. I look forward to that.

AGS: If your week had a theme song what would it be?
AL: Uh .That’s a really good question.

AGS: What are your future plans after you graduate? For the rest of your life [n.b.d.]?
AL: Um. Well I don’t really have anything set in stone yet. But my dream is to move to New York and make a living hopefully doing funny things there. If I could make a living doing anything I would write a comedy TV show and have a kickass band on the side (we would perform all over Manhattan and Brooklyn).

AGS: What instrument do you play?
AL: Well I sing and play the guitar. 
AGS: That’s right how could I forget you’re also in Manginah (the acapella group). That would make you a double celebrity.

AGS: What is your favorite cereal?
AL: Well, this is a bit of a throwback, but from my youth I really enjoy Peanut Butter Crunch. It’s just vastly superior to Cap’n Crunch. Peanut butter treats you right.

AGS: Do you have any advice for our younger readers?
AL: Try everything. Give everything a shot. I really regret not trying more things before my senior year. If you are presented with an opportunity, don’t just dismiss it outright. Keep an open mind.

AGS: Where do you get your inspiration?
AL: Well, I guess I try to be a combination between Andy Samberg, Seth Rogan, and Justin Vergin from Bonny Vear.

AGS: What is your ideal date?
AL: I guess – go out for dinner at a really nice restaurant and walk around the city afterwards. Take a walk through the park. I like being spontaneous and having fun. Walking around gives a lot of opportunities- we can do whatever we see is interesting.

AGS: Are you single?
AL: Yeah.  [hear that ladies?…]

AGS: How do you decide what people are going to think is funny? 
AL: Um. Well. I don’t know if I am a very good judge because I think everything is funny. So I just usually go with that. I generally laugh at most things, [oh no! he was laughing at a lot of the things I said.]  so I leave the decision making to other people because if I had my way we would just keep everything in the video.

AGS: Where is your favorite place to be?
AL: I just really like being in big cities, especially New York. I hadn’t gone there to the first time until freshman year of college and I just fell in love.

AGS: If you were in a stack of pancakes where would you be?
AL: Well I would have to say I was expecting this question. You finally got to it. I guess I would be in the middle of the stack of pancakes. Because it would be really cozy in there between the pancakes and you can get the most out of the pancake experience.

AGS: What is your favorite movie?
AL: My favorite movie is Spirited Away, an animated Japanese movie. I saw it for the first time when I was really young I think 12 or 13 and it just like blew my mind. Every time I want to be cheered up I watch that movie.   

AGS: Who are your icons? 
AL: My friend Paul, Paul Gale. I guess he’s one of my icons. So is Louis Pollison. Those are my 2 icons and my parents.  

AGS: Where will you be found on a day off?
AL: On a day off I will generally find a nice restaurant to go to. I really love food so I am always trying to find new places to go.

AGS: What is your favorite food?
AL: As much as I like trying new ethnic food, I really enjoy fried chicken.

AGS: What is on your most listened to play list right now?
AL: Right now I am listening to a lot of Bon Iver, but also recently I have – let me check. I just got an I-phone. Goyte (note: pronunciation is not Goy-tee like I thought check out his Spotify profile for the real pronunciation) and Phantogram

AGS: Do you think spring is here to stay? [I guess I jumped the gun with that question in light of recent inclement weather]
AL: Hopefully because spring is just a really cool time. As much as this winter has been really mild I still really miss the spring. That’s the great thing about going to school in New England- going through all of the seasons makes you appreciate them.

AGS: What is your favorite drink?
AL: I’ve been drinking a lot of chocolate almond milk recently. I always pick up some at the grocery store. I also recently purchased my first bottle of scotch.  [Glenlivet 12 year – good stuff right hur]

AGS: What is your favorite book/blog/magazine to read?
AL: I don’t really read much except for my classes. I do read some cooking blogs. I really like smitten kitchen another one is le food in my beard.  And I also like browsing the New York Times real estate for some reason. [hey, I get it. when you’re a YouTube superstar you need to have the most fabulous penthouse]

AGS: What is your favorite color?
AL: That’s a tough question. I’m gonna have to say blue. I feel so conventional now. Ok fine its red and green. Those are my three favorite colors. The pantheon of colors.
AGS: What is your favorite store? The Lady who sells vintage things: the girl who sells jewelry at Brandeis.  [HAHAHA]
AL: I am a fan of Urban Outfitters. It’s where I get most of my clothes right now.  And I really like going to Crate and Barrel and acting like I’m a homeowner [for his future penthouse apartment].

AGS: Do you love chocolate and peanut butter?
AL: Ya. Of course I do. That’s like a no brainer.  

AGS: What is your favorite type of hamantaschen?
AL: Raspberry. I am a big fan of raspberry jam.

AGS: Any parting words?
AL: Hm. Laugh a lot. Its good for you.
Okay readers, that all for now.  Keep nominating!

Andrea is a sociology major with minors in journalism and women's and gender studies. She is currently finishing her senior year at Brandeis University. She was born and reared in Los Angeles, CA, which does mean that she is a die-hard Laker fan… Sorry Bostonians. When Andrea is not routing on her favorite basketball team, she dedicates her time to her many passions. They include reading and writing about fashion, traveling, exploring new restaurants, spending time with friends, watching reality television (she has a weak spot for Bravo), shopping, and working out.