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The Male Guide To Female [Digital] Communication

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brandeis chapter.


Do us girls have a tendency to confuse you?  Natural.  We confuse ourselves.  Sometimes we’ll say something and we’ll mean something completely different.  Or, the “something completely different” we said could be something completely different from what we meant to say.  So… yeah, confusing.

Here’s a short guide for all of the lost college guys out there trying to make sense of text messages and Emojis and what not.  I hope it helps somewhat, but like I said, we’re basically Inception.

**NOTE: These interpretations do not apply to those who are in the friend-zone or to those who are already in relationships… These are specifically for those courting/being courted **

** These are subjective interpretations and definitions, things that I’ve observed.  It may not be relevant to you**


·      “Hey”: She is either distracted, uninterested, or playing hard to get (i.e. she is trying not to seem too excited).

·      “Heyyyyyyy”: You are in the clear.  

·      “What are you up to today”: She wants to ask you to hang out, but she going to say this instead.

o   Side-note: If your response to her question is that you’re busy, she’s basically going to assume that you don’t like her.  Maybe you’re actually just busy, but she’ll probably be irrational and imagine the former because rejection seems like a possibility at this point and dating makes her feel too vulnerable to be logical.  Just be prepared.

·      “Yeah I feel ya!  So busy today!”: She probably has one class and a late night practice, but she says she’s “so busy” to sound like she has a life and isn’t sitting around waiting for your texts.

o   Side-note:  This definition can be tested–simply ask if she can hang out later this afternoon.  All of a sudden… her busy day just cleared up

·      “I think I might be doing something that night, actually”: She can hang out, but she doesn’t want to commit just in case something else [maybe better] comes up.

·       “Do you like [hobby, artist, food]?”: She’s either actually trying to learn more about you, or just studying your interests so that she can pretend to have the same ones because you’re hot and she doesn’t care about personalities harmonizing.

·      “Yeah, well, I’m not like other girls”: She’s just like every other girl who says she’s not like other girls.  This probably excited you at first, because you’re looking for someone unique.  Sorry bout that.

·      “I have a really hard time trusting people”: This sentence may very well have a legitimate translation, but also could be used for the ensuing effect: If you think that she’s been hurt, you may be more inclined to exert yourself to prove to her that you are worthy of her impaired trust/heart”

·      “Yeah, we have to hang out soon, what the heck?” (said for the seventh time) : She really doesn’t want to hang out, but she’ll string you along so that you keep texting her hence giving her attention.

·      “Hahaha that’s so funny”: She has typed this reply squillions of times.  She may not have even read your joke/text. 

·      “Ok”: Throw yourself in a fire

·      “K”: Let me throw you in a fire

·      “Noooo!!”: Yes

·      “Maybe”: No/ Probably not/2% possibility

·      “Gotta go! I’ll talk to you later (text)”: She wants to end the conversation first! She’ll invent a fake task/activity so that you’ll think that she’s interesting

o   Side note: This is a good thing—MUCH better than not getting a response at all.

I am a Junior at Brandeis University who is passionate about writing and who loves surfing the web for useful articles and having fun doing what I like.