Name: Becca Wiser
Year: 2019
Hometown: South Florida
Majors: I’m planning on creating an IIM about Nutrition and Food Studies
Her Campus: What attracted you to Brandeis?
Becca Wiser: I loved the school’s tight-knit community, stance on social justice, the leadership and involvement opportunities it presented, and its close proximity to the city.
HC: What has been your favorite Brandeis memory so far?
BW: Spending snow days (1) with my friends. I hadn’t experienced winter before coming to Massachusetts (as noted earlier, I’m a Florida girl!), so it was really exciting for me.
HC: What advice do you have for incoming first years?
BW: Try not to overthink everything. College seems super intimidating, but I promise it gets very familiar and normal. Just trust that everything will work out!
HC: Where do you see yourself in ten years?
BW: I’d love to have a thriving career helping people live healthier and happier lives. I hope that by then, I will have traveled, explored, and become a very independent, resourceful woman. I’d also love to start a family relatively young. Overall, I just want to be very happy and fulfilled (and depending on what’s important to me at that stage in my life, these could all change).
Quick Facts: I’m vegan, I have two sisters (one’s my twin), I love running, writing, and exploring new places.
Secret Talent: I’ve been told I’m very good at packing suitcases ;) So if you need to magically fit a LOT of stuff in your luggage, you now know who to come to!
Favorite Movie: Bridget Jones’ Diary
Favorite Spot on Campus: Massel pond
Favorite Song of the Moment: Gwen Stefani’s “Make Me Like you”
Favorite Boston Attraction: Walking around Boston Common (especially in the fall)
Favorite Class at Brandeis: Women and American Pop Culture
Prized Possession: Anything food related!