Year: 2015
Hometown: Tbilisi, Georgia
Majors: Sociology and Economics
Minor: Classical Studies
Her Campus: What is one important thing you learned during your academic career at Brandeis?
Shota Adamia: How important it is to be aware of your social surroundings, your impact on people – not just people you know and personally care about but other people in and outside of your extended community – and to think well before making decisions that essentially have thousands of repercussions.
HC: If you could give one piece of advice to the incoming freshmen, what would it be?
Shota: Explore! Every single day on campus, try new things! Most of us are going through very similar, quite confusing years of our lives and not taking advantage of the wonderful opportunities that Brandeis gives us. This is the biggest mistake one could make.
HC: What do you plan to do after graduation?
Shota: I have a one-way ticket to New York. All of the rest is TBD (to be determined).
HC: What are some of the clubs and activities you are involved in on campus?
Shota: If I had to point out the most important one, I would say that working with the Brandeis Students Against Sexual Violence Coalition has been mind-blowing, enlightening, and hopefully effective in our community. I am also one of the Senior Interviewers at Admissions now and I love it because I get to interview the next generation of Brandeis! I’ve also been the co-president of the Skydiving Club since freshman year! There are many more groups and projects I’ve tried but these few are always going to be some of my best experiences at Brandeis.
HC: Last year, you were awarded a very prestigious scholarship from the YMA Fashion Scholarship Fund. Could you tell us more about your interest in fashion?
Shota: It’s still quite hard to believe that I got that opportunity! I’ve loved fashion since I was little but never quite imagined that I’d actually be working in the industry. I think I’ve managed to approach fashion as both an art and a business, and the experience has been very rewarding so far. I do hope there are still more fun stories to come once I actually start working full-time this summer!
HC: You are also a Wien Scholar. How has being a Wien influenced your time here at Brandeis?
Shota: The Wiens have been my family here. Every single Wien Scholar I have met has a surreal story to tell and an even more striking passion and love for one another. I could not imagine my college experience without this group and I am very honored to have had the privilege.
Quick Facts
Favorite class: Roman Sex, Violence, and Decadence with Professor Ann Olga Koloski-Ostrow.
Favorite Memory from Brandeis: Trip to Professor Fellman’s house on the Cape as a part of the Sociology of Empowerment class.
Pet-peeve: “like.”
Prized Possession: Somewhat surreal memories — hope this is not somewhat existentialist.
Guilty Pleasure: Pancakes at 3 AM.
Favorite Free-time Activity: Movies! French and Spanish especially.