So you’re stuck in quarantine…. now what? We all know how boring quarantine is, and I’m pretty sure we’ve all reached the “baking banana bread” stage of quarantine. From all the online classes to calling (yes, actually calling) your friends to talk to them, nothing feels normal, and it’s okay! Everyone is in the same boat, and if you’re bored to tears, here’s a few things you can do to keep yourself entertained:
- Learn (or re learn) a new skill
Since I’ve come home, I’ve started playing the piano again, and I found that it’s a good way to keep myself engaged. Even though I still sometimes struggle with it, its a good challenge that is a great way to pass the time. If music isn’t your thing, no worries, just do *the thing* that you’ve always wanted to do, but never had enough time to.
- Talk to family
What better way to spend your time than to check in with family members you might not have seen in a while! It’s a great way to catch up, reminisce, and another way of having some social interaction, especially when you can’t physically hang out with your friends.
- Talk to your friends
News flash: yes, people do *actually* talk on the phone. Now, I know that it might seem a little old fashioned but hear me out: it can actually be a lot of fun! Texting is fun, but I’m sure your friends are as bored as you are, and want to hear from you. You can have a Netflix watch party with your friends or just talk about life, it’s up to you!
- Make your way through that long list of Netflix tv shows/movies you’ve always wanted to watch, but never got around to.
Now that you have more time on your hands, it’s a great time to catch up on all the tv shows you’ve missed out on. You can even make it a group even by using Netflix’s watch party to watch with your friends.
Quarantine/social distancing can be really boring, but it’s super important that we do our best to stay home if we can, so we don’t get sick and overwhelm the doctors and nurses that are working so hard to treat everyone who is sick right now. It might be hard to keep yourself entertained, but the possibilities are endless if you are willing to get creative. It may look like there is no end in sight right now, but remember, everyone is in the same boat and you will be okay!