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Want to Get Away? Study Abroad!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brandeis chapter.

The best choice I made in my Brandeis career was going abroad.  Though that sounds like an oxymoron because I wasn’t actually at Brandeis, the experience left me refreshed and ready to tackle senior year.

When I decided on Edinburgh, Scotland, everyone asked me, how did you choose Scotland?  Honestly, my answer remains “It just came to me.”  The university and program that I chose were a perfect fit. I wanted to go to an English speaking country where I could take courses that would count towards my English major. I also wanted to study alongside British students! Edinburgh fit the bill perfectly. I loved the small, manageable size of the city, being able to walk everywhere––to class and to the cheep German grocery store on my block.
I loved that I got to truly experience what it was like being a third year student at the University of Edinburgh––living and studying with British and other international students, and especially going to clubs and hanging out in apartments with them.  After studying abroad, I took my studies more seriously and adopted better learning habits.

For me, my first instinct led me to the perfect fit, but that isn’t necessarily true for everyone.  For many Brandeis students, the thought of choosing a destination seems so daunting that they don’t end up going anywhere.If you’re one of those students overwhelmed by choices, you’re in luck!
There’s an upcoming study abroad info session to get you started. Each of the Study Abroad Information Sessions are designed to give you an overview of the off-campus study process at Brandeis including: tips for researching programs and destinations, the application process, getting credit for your work off campus, financial aid, and resources and services the office provides. Attending a general information session is mandatory for students who wish to study off campus for the semester or academic year. Since info sessions are mandatory for students who want to go abroad, of course I attended one.  I learned about the logistics, such as the different programs through which I could attend the University of Edinburgh––the main ones being Butler University or Arcadia University.  Some schools have their own programs, like Sarah Lawrence and other big state universities, but being a small school, many people go abroad through Butler or Arcadia.

After you attend an information session, you are welcome and encouraged to set up an appointment with a member of the study abroad staff.

As of now, the deadline to go abroad in Spring 2012 has passed for juniors. However, sophomores, keep study abroad deadlines in mind since Brandeis study abroad deadlines are earlier than most schools.  If you are a Junior who wants to go abroad but missed the deadline, look into summer study abroad programs, which is another great option.I seriously recommend going abroad. It was such a new and amazing experience. Good luck, and go away!

The upcoming study abroad info session will be held on October 11th at 4:00pm in the Alumni Lounge located in the Usdan Student Center

Andrea is a sociology major with minors in journalism and women's and gender studies. She is currently finishing her senior year at Brandeis University. She was born and reared in Los Angeles, CA, which does mean that she is a die-hard Laker fan… Sorry Bostonians. When Andrea is not routing on her favorite basketball team, she dedicates her time to her many passions. They include reading and writing about fashion, traveling, exploring new restaurants, spending time with friends, watching reality television (she has a weak spot for Bravo), shopping, and working out.