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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brenau chapter.

When we go away to college, our families go through an immense amount of activities and emotions. Sometimes, your family will suffer from the loss of a loved one right as you are returning to college. Other times, your family gets an addition to the household the week before you return for spring break. This semester, I went through a little bit of both with my family.

To tell my story, I have to go back to right before this semester began. As 2017 and my month-long winter break, one of my two dogs at the time crossed over the rainbow bridge. It was a very difficult time especially since my dad was away for work at the time, but her burial was amusing. From falling nonstop into the hole we were trying to dig for poor old Sadie to cutting tree roots that just decided to take over our yard, my mother, little sister, and I could not keep our laughter to a minimum. Our neighbors who were partying outside probably thought we were crazy, and most likely still do, but that is perfectlyĀ okay because we are one big crazy mess. But anyway, as you can probably tell since my semester started exactly one week later, I had a pretty stressful start traveling back to Gainesville.

Well, before I came back to Brenau, we had already agreed on getting a new dog. We knew weĀ would have to get a new one anyway because my Chihuahua does not like change, plus Sadie was her best friend. Anyway, when I went back to Brenau, I thought my parents were going to wait until I was able to come home for Spring Break to get a new dog so I would get the chance to meet the furry little. No. That did not happen like I had planned. My parents thought that they should get a new pup the Friday before I got home. That ended up happening, and now I have Austin, the cute little guy in the thumbnail, in my life who is a real pain, but that’s all puppies.

Anyway, my family experienced both ends of the spectrum even though both of the events did not technically happen during the semester. They have still knocked me off guard with all of the changes, but I will slowly adjust, and my life will slowly begin to normalize once again.

Avery Dill

Brenau '21

I am a Mass Communications major and Music minor sophomore/junior at Brenau University. I am also the Senior Editor for the HC Brenau chapter,  an HC Campus Trendsetter, HC Chapter Advisor, and an HC Campus Expansion Assistant.
My name is Kenya Hunter! I am a freshman at Brenau University as a Mass Communications major. My focus is journalism!