Name: Holly Chaplain
Year: 2
Study: English
Outfit Details: My jeans are from Topshop and my turtleneck is from H&M. My necklace is really old, I don’t remember where its from but its probably Accessorize because a lot of my stuff is from there. My coat is from a charity shop.
What’s your favourite charity shop in Bristol? This is a tricky one! Theres a really good one in Clifton which is where I got my coat from, but I think the best ones are on Whiteladies and Cotham Hill.
What’s your favourite item in your wardrobe right now? My Topshop Mom jeans.
Lounge or Lakota? Lakota.
Flats or heels? Flats 100%, especially Converse or Docs.
What’s your idea of the perfect date? Something outdoorsy. Ideally with good food aswell, that’s a must.
How would you switch an outfit up from day to night? Whack on my black heeled boots and add some statement jewellery.