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Delicious, indulgent and yummy: DIY snacks to fuel you this year!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bristol chapter.

Recent studies have shown that we are a nation of snackers! Representing almost half of our daily calorific intake, snacks have become a staple in the average Briton’s day.

Sweet or salty, crunchy or healthy, this article ensures your inter-meal go-to’s are never boring!

if you want something…savoUry!

I tend to make this recipe when I can’t be bothered to cook and need something quick to fill me up. Making these cheese quesadillas is easy and you can add whatever you want to the wrap to make it your own. This is a recipe I developed myself and only requires three basic ingredients: cheese, wraps, and oil.

  • Get your wrap and fold it in half to create a clear line down the middle.
  • Unfold and add cheese (preferably grated) to one-half of the wrap.
  • Fold over the wrap, creating a half-moon shape. In a hot pan, add a tiny amount of oil before placing your half-moon quesadilla and flipping after 3 minutes.

The oil helps crisp up the outer side of the wrap, whilst the cheese melts inside. I slice mine into little triangles and dip it into some salsa. Yum!

If you want something… sweet!

This isn’t so much of a snack but could be the new dip to your snack! Combining warm cream with chocolate leaves you with this beautifully silky chocolate dipping sauce. I personally love this with strawberries and apples but can be used alongside anything! The consistency of the cream means that when combined, the chocolate won’t set and harden in the fridge.

If you want something… crunchy!

There’s nothing that some cheese and crackers can’t fix, so why not put them together! This super easy cheese biscuit recipe is sure to put a smile on your face and won’t take up too much time at all. Being prepared and making a batch of these for the week ahead will give you the opportunity to get creative in the kitchen and stock up on this delicious snack.

If you want something… nutritious!


You might be thinking I’m crazy for adding in a drink for the snack article, but smoothies are genuinely really filling. Combining frozen berries, a banana and milk is the perfect way to fuel your body and your mind. Although you can’t really make this in batches for the week ahead, it will only take a couple of minutes out of your day. I love sipping on a fruit smoothie whilst tapping away at my computer, what a great way to fill you up and nourish your body at the same time!

I’m a Hispanic Studies student (Spanish, Portuguese & Catalan) at the University of Bristol! I love all things musical theatre and having a boogie!